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Օգնություն:Ինդեքս էջեր

Վիքիդարանից՝ ազատ գրադարանից
Ինդեքս էջեր
Սա ինդեքս էջերի ձևման ձեռնարկ է, որոնք գործում են «Proofread Page» ծրագրային ընդլայնման ներքո տեսածրված էջերի համակարգման համար։

Index pages and the workspace


An "index page" (or "index file") is an page within the Index namespace. The Index namespace is the focus of the "workspace" in which proofreading and transcription take place. Each index page represent one work to be transcribed. Index pages have page lists, giving a numbered link for each page in the work. These links link to pages in the Page namespace (the other part of the workspace). The page titles of the Index and Page namespace pages will be the same.

Կաղապար:Block center

Usually an index page is based on a file, either DjVu or PDF, but it can also be created manually from image files such as JPEG, PNG etc. When based on a single file, the page title of the index page must match the title of the file.

Կաղապար:Block center

In addition to the page list, index pages also hold metadata for the work, such as title, author, year of publication etc. This information is useful for reference and it can be used by the final work in the main namespace.

Creating Index pages

Index page with text fields.

Prior to creating an index page, you must upload a scan. This scan can be in DjVu or PDF format. In most situations, the scan should be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons rather than Wikisource. However, Wikimedia Commons' policy has extra requirements beyond the purely legal; it may not always accept scans for some works, even though they are legally free (either public domain or licensed) and acceptable for Wikisource. In these situations only, the scan can be uploaded directly to Wikisource.

For creating an index page using individual images, please see below.

A new index page must be created for every new transcription. Index pages are created in the same way as any other page. Some ways to create an index page are:

  1. From the file page (making sure that you are on Wikisource and not Wikimedia Commons), change the "File:" prefix in the url to "Index:", go to that page and select "Create".
  2. Enter the name of the index page in the search box then, on the search results, click the red link with this title.
  3. Foo

When creating an index page from a scan file, the name of the page must exactly match the name of the file except for the namespace prefix. For example, if the name of a scan, following upload, is "File:My book.djvu" then the index page must be "Index:My book.djvu". Note that only the prefix has changed (from "File" to "Index"). Any other changes will prevent the index page from working correctly.

If you have javascript enabled on your browser, the new index page will not look like a normal wiki page. It will have a series of text fields instead of a single edit box (see image). Each text field is a paramter that are described below; most will be blank but a few are pre-filled automatically. Some of these parameters alter or support the process of transcription and proofreading; other parameters contain metadata and navigation links.

This is based on the index template. If you create or edit the page with javascript disabled, you will see a normal wiki edit box containing the index template. This can be completed and used in the same way as any other template.

The index page can be saved at this point. Any and all fields can be filled before saving and at any time in the future.



Index pages have specific, preset parameters as part of the index template. The following instructions explain how to use each parameter.

The type of the original work. This will default to Book, which is the most common type of work on Wikisource.
  • Collection is used for a collection of media that are related. This is discouraged on the English Wikisource and the individual items should be loaded separately.
  • Journal or magazine is used for complete numbers or issues of a journal. Often these are made up of multiple articles or papers that will be transcluded separately. Uploading single articles from a journal is discouraged. However, do be aware that some journals and magazines will have different copyright terms on the various articles within them.
  • Thesis, report is generally used for works that have not been formally published. Care needs to be taken with these to ensure that they meet the Wikisource inclusion criteria. See What Wikisource includes for more details.
  • Dictionary is used for books that will be transcluded in very small sections.
The title of this work. If there is a subtitle it should be included here as well. The title should be wikilinked to the main namespace. The subtitle should not be part of the link. If there is more than one work with the same name then you will need to disambiguate.
The primary language of the work using the standard codes with two or three letters. Here on the English Wikisource, this will be en.
If this Index file is a part of a multi-volume work, enter the volume number into this field. If different volumes use different subpages it may help to wikilink this parameter to the volume's subpage in the Main namespace. For example, <code>[[My book/Volume 01|vol. 1]]</code>, if it is the first volume of the work "My book".
The name of the author should go here. It is common practice to wikilink this name to the author's page in the Author namespace.
If the work was originally published in another language, enter the name of the translator(s). This should be wikilinked to the Author: namespace.
If this is a multi-author work, such as an encyclopedia or a journal, enter the name of the editor(s). This should be wikilinked to the Author: namespace.
Enter the name(s) of any illustrators that are credited in the work. This should be wikilinked to the Author: namespace.
This applies mainly to Theses and Reports. The institution under whose auspices the work was produced is entered here. This should be linked to the Portal: namespace. An alternate use would be if the work was a collaborative production from among a group of unnamed followers of a particular author. This would mostly apply to artworks and hence rarely used here.
The name of the publisher should go here. If a portal exists for this author, the publisher's name may optionally be wikilinked to the appropriate page in the Portal namespace.
The location of the publisher should go here.
Year of publication
The year the work was published should go here.
Sort key
If the name of the Index page begins with an article (the, a, an) or a similar word, this parameter can be used to sort it correctly in Category pages. It acts as the {{DEFAULTSORT}} for the Index page. See w:wp:Categorization#Sort keys for details.
International Standard Book Number, OCLC, LCCN, ARK from BNF, National Archives Number
A unique identifier for the work assigned by one of these organisations. Only one of these is needed and for some early works there will be no identifier available.
This will be added automatically, depending on the file format of the scan on which the Index page is based. It will create a wikilink to the scan's page in the File namespace. Based on currently supported file types this will be djvu or pdf. This can be overridden if, for example, an index page is being created manually from individual page images (see below).
Cover image
The title page of the work. The number in the text field represents the page of the scan to be shown, the default is the first page. This can be overridden.
Այս պարամետրը կառավարում է ինդեքս էջի կատեգորավորումը։ Ինդեքս էջի խմբագրման պատուհանում այն հայտնվում է ընտրացանկի միջոցով։ Սովորաբար նոր ավելացված գործի ելակետային կարգավիճակը «Չսրբագրված» է։ Ինդեքս էջը կառավարող կաղապարը կարգավիճակը գրանցում է հետևյալ կարճ նշագրերով։
Available options for the Progress parameter
Menu option Code Status Description Tracking category
Done T Done—All pages of the work proper are validated All pages in the file that relate to the work have been validated or are set to "without text". There are no problematic pages. Completion of any advertisement pages is optional for this setting. Index Validated
To be validated V Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated All text pages have been proofread at least once and the work is ready for validation. At this point problematic pages may be present. Index Proofread
To be proofread C To be proofread There are text pages waiting to be proofread. Index Not-Proofread
Ready for Match & Split MS Ready for Match and Split There is already a main namespace text that is the same edition as this Index and is not proofread from a scan. See Help:Match and split for more details. If the requirements for "match and split" are met, setting this status may help to prevent other users from beginning proofreading unhelpfully. Index - Ready for Match and Split
Needs an OCR text layer OCR Needs an OCR text layer The file for this Index doesn't have an embedded text-layer and needs the attention of an experienced editor. Index - Text Layer Requested
Source file is incorrect (missing pages, unordered pages, etc) L Source file must be fixed before proofreading The source file this Index is built from has one or more structural issues such as omitted pages, duplicate pages, pages out of published order or similar flaws. When this has been set, all proofreading work under the Index should cease until an experienced editor has been able to investigate the problem and sort it out.

Use either the Index talk page or the Volumes field to note what the problems are. This will help the investigating editor in determining how to resolve the issue(s) and reduce the amount time and effort needed to implement the solution(s).

Index - File to fix
Source file must be checked (for missing pages, unordered pages, etc) before proofreading X Source file must be checked before proofreading commences The source file has been uploaded but it has not yet been checked for faults such as missing or mis-ordered pages Index - File to check
A small number of index pages do not have a status; this will generally only occur when the index page is malformed. Index - Unknown progress
This field is used to contain links to all the pages in the Page: namespace. As a default it is automatically populated with <pagelist/>. This simplest version will give you a bare list of pages numbered from 1 to the last page in the djvu or pdf file.
The <pagelist/> command is a powerful way to let people know how the pages in this work are structured. You can also use it to indicate pages which shouldn't be numbered; for instance, <pagelist 1to2=- 3=1 /> will cause pages 1 and 2 to be represented as unnumbered pages (-), and page numbering will start by setting the third page of this document as page 1.
You can also use text to label pages. For example, <pagelist 1=Cover 2to6=- 7=Title 8=2 20="Plate 1" />. Note that quotation marks (") are required when there are spaces in the text label.
If a sequence of pages is in lower case roman numerals use <pagelist 5to10=roman 5=1 11=1 /> to indicate this. This will set page 5 to i, page 6 to ii, and so on. Note the 11=1. This is used to start the arabic numeral count following the end of the roman numerals. The equivalent tag for upper case roman numerals is "highroman".
The <pagelist /> command can be invoked multiple times. This is particularly useful in dictionaries (see Index:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu) or when the work is made up of several smaller works each with their own page sequence (see Index:Tracts for the Times Vol 1.djvu). In these cases, the following syntax is useful: <pagelist from=147 to=185 />. This code will show only pages 147–185.
General recommendations for labelling pages
Label the front and back covers, if present, as "Cover" ("Cvr").

Label the frontispiece as "Frontispiece" ("Fpiece").

Preliminary pages that are not part of a sequence of numbered pages should be named: "Half-title", "Title", "Contents", etc. Some editors prefer to always name these pages even when they are a part of a sequence. This is an acceptable practice.

Full page images that are not part of the flow of page numbers should be labelled as "Image" ("Img"). Alternatively, they could be labelled with their plate or figure numbers. E.g. "Plate V" or "Fig. 72".

Full page images that are a part of the flow of page numbers should not be labelled other than with their page number.

Label any advertisement pages as "Advert" ("Adv").

Label blank pages that are not a part of the flow of page numbers with "-" ("–", "—"). These pages mostly occur in the end-papers of a book, but may also appear on either side of full page images. For an example of both of these in the one file see Index:Mexico as it was and as it is.djvu.

Pages that are blank but are a part of the flow of page numbers should not be labelled other than with their page number. The fact there is nothing on the page will be indicated by the "without text" page status.

If this is a multi-volume work, put links to the Index pages for the other volumes here. See Index:History of England (Froude) Vol 2.djvu for a simple example of this and Index:Popular Science Monthly Volume 5.djvu for a more complex example.
Table of Contents
A table of contents for the text. Usually this will provide links to the chapters in the Main: namespace.
The table of contents can be typed in here directly. However, if the text includes its own table of contents, this can be shown instead by "transcluding" the pages from the text (use the name of each page, wrapped in two curly brackets—or braces—at either side). See Index:Air Service Boys over the Rhine.djvu for an example of this. Hint: don't leave spaces or returns between the separate pages when using this. This will ensure vertical alignment between the separate pages.
Sometimes the table of contents in the text is complex or contains a lot of detail resulting in a very long Index page. In these cases a simplified table of contents with links to the chapters may be created. Compare Index:History of england froude.djvu with Index:History of England (Froude) Vol 2.djvu.
Scan resolution in edit mode
This overrides the default calculated resolution for the thumbnail image displayed in edit mode for any Page: namespace page. For example a value of 1000 in this field will produce a thumbnail based at 1000 pixels.
Currently, some browsers will experience a phenomenon called 'black-nail'—short for an all black thumbnail being displayed in edit mode in error. Experimenting with this value should provide a solution for this by forcing a lower resolution than the automatically calculated default—a value anywhere in the range of 300 to 1600 typically works here.
Css (Cascading style sheet)
If this field has content it will automatically add css styling to each page in the Page namespace as they are created. On the English Wikisource we don't recommend this and prefer to do css styling in the main namespace.
This parameter controls the header on each page in the Page namespace associated with the Index page. The header of each new page in the Page namespace will be pre-filled with whatever text has been entered in this parameter of the index page.
The header is mostly used for titles (of the book, chapter, article etc.) and page numbers—anything at the top of the page that should not be transcluded to the main namespace. If a common format is repeated throughout the work, it saves time to include all or part of the formatting and text in this parameter.
A commonly used formatting template for this parameter is {{RunningHeader}}. This template has three parameters of its own, which create left-, centre-, and right-justified text. The {{{pagenum}}} magic word is also useful. This will copy the number or text used for a page link in the pagelist parameter. This allows for automatically generated page numbers, assuming the pagelist parameter is correct. If the book contains sidenotes, you can include the {{sidenotes begin}} template in this field.
The header can be edited on individual pages in the Page namespace. Doing so will not affect the header parameter in the Index page nor any other page in the Page namespace. The header will never affect the work in the main namespace.
The drawback of using this field is that it doesn't take into account left and right headers and formats them all the same way. One way to cope with this is to put the page number at both sides of the running header template and delete the appropriate one when proofreading the page. An example of this technique can be found at Index:The Rover Boys on the Great Lakes.djvu: {{rh|{{{pagenum}}}|ROVER BOYS ON THE GREAT LAKES.|{{{pagenum}}}}}
Like the header, this parameter controls the default text in the footer of each page in the Page namespace associated with the Index page.
It is common for page numbers to be shown in the footers of pages. The {{{pagenum}}} magic word can be used to simplify this process, along with the {{RunningHeader}} template. Moreover, the <references /> tag—optionally the {{reflist}} or {{smallrefs}} template—is used to display footnotes. If the book contains sidenotes, you can include the {{sidenotes end}} template in this field.
The footer can be edited on individual pages in the Page namespace. Doing so will not affect the footer parameter in the Index page nor any other page in the Page namespace. The footer will never affect the work in the main namespace.

Using individual image files


Index can be made out of JPEGs, PNGs and other image files as well as container formats of scans like PDF and DjVu. This would cover, for example, individual photographs of pages or non-print works such as inscriptions or plaques. Due to the extra complexity and other drawbacks of this process, this is not recommended for anything other than very short works: such as single pages or works of just 2-3 pages in length.

The process is similar to the normal Index page process, with the following exceptions:

  1. Creating the page. Create a new page in the Index namespace as you would in any other namespace. If this page involves only one image, it is a good idea to use the filename for the pagename. For example: File:Inscription.jpg leads to Index:Inscription.jpg. If this page involves multiple files, use a pagename that makes sense. If the filenames of the page images have a common element, it may make sense to use that; using the filetype is optional. For example: Index:1900 Conservative political pamphlet.
  2. Parameters. Some of the parameters will need to be entered manually.
    • Scans: This parameter should be a link to the File namespace page for the source image but it should appear as just the filetype. Use a piped wikilink. For example: [[File:Inscription.jpg|jpg]]. If using multiple pages, either enter the filetype(s) as plain text or link to the first source file.
    • Cover image: No automatic cover image will be generated. Instead of a page number, the image needs to be entered manually with the complete image code. For example: [[File:Inscription.jpg|200px]]. If using multiple pages, use either the first source image or the one that best corresponds to a "cover image" for the work.
    • Pages: No automatic pagelist will be generated. Instead of the <pagelist /> tag, each page needs to be added manually. Each page should be a wikilink to a specific page in the Page namespace, using the name of the source files in the File namespace (replacing the "File:" prefix with a "Page:" prefix). For example:
      1. One image: If using Index:Inscription.jpg (based on (File:Inscription.jpg) the wikilink should be [[Page:Inscription.jpg|1]].
      2. Multiple images: These should be added in sequence. If using, for example, Index:1900 Conservative political pamphlet (based on different images), the wikilinks should be along the lines of: [[Page:1900 Conservative political pamphlet page 1.jpg|1]] [[Page:1900 Conservative political pamphlet page 2.jpg|2]] etc.

Please note that image files do not contain OCR text layers like PDF and DjVu files. It will be necessary to transcribe the entire text from the image rather than just correcting the existing text layer.

When creating an index page in this way, it can help to have other examples for reference. Therefore, the following may be useful.

Single pages:

Multiple pages:

Proofreading and transcription from the Index page


Index pages are the focus of proofreading. Each page in the pagelist should be proofread and the progress parameter amended accordingly.

For more information, see:

Index page template ritrit


The default layout of an index page is controlled by the Proofreadpage index template. Javascript must be enabled in the user's browser for the template to function. If javascript is disabled or not available, the user will just see the template itself in a normal edit window. It may be useful occasionally for a user to deliberately disable javascript in order to edit the template directly but this should be rare.