Մասնակից:Chaojoker/Անգլերէն մատենագրութիւն
Արտաքին տեսք
"...the Armenians prized the printing press with the same “affection and reverence as the Persian highlanders value a rifle or sporting gun."
-From The Key to Armenia's Survival, The New York Times
-From The Key to Armenia's Survival, The New York Times
Having a long history of manuscipt creation, Armenians were among the first to take advantage of Gutenberg's invention.
The first text printed in Armenian was the Armenian alphabet printed in 1486 in Reise ins heilige Land (Journey to the Holy Land) by Bernhard von Breidenbach, a German book printed in Mainz (listed under Undated books).
The beginning of Armenian printing was marked in 1512, by Hakop Meghapart printing Ուրբաթագիրք (Urbatagirk - Book of Friday) in Venice.
Below is a comprehensive list of the books printed in Armenian from 1512-1800. The list was taken from the website of Project Meghapart of the National Library of Armenia.
1512 - 1596
[խմբագրել]- Urbat‘agirk‘ [lit. ‘Friday Book‘, prayers for the sick] Venice: pr. Yakob Meghapart, 1512. -124p. -Size 11/6.5cm.
- Pataragatetr (Xorhrdatetr) [Missa1] Venice: pr. Yakob Meghapart, 1513. -88p. -Size 11/6.5cm.
- Aght‘ark‘ [Prayers for the Sick and Horoscope] Venice: pr. Yakob Meghapart, 1513. -380p. -Size: 11/6.5cm.
- Parzatumar [Calendar-based Manual] Venice: pr. Yakob Meghapart, 1513. -118p. - 11/6.5cm.
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Venice: pr. Yakob Meghapart, 1513. -150p. Size: 11/6.5cm.
- Tomar [Calendar] Venice: pr. Abgar Dpir T‘oxat‘ec‘i, 1565. - Size: 56/46cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Yakob Meghapart, 1565-1566. -512p. - Size: 12/8cm.
- P‘ok‘r k‘erakanut‘iwn [Brief Armenian Grammar] Constantinople: 1567.
- Zhamagirk‘-Pataragamatoyc‘ [Breviary-Missal] Constantinople: pr. Abgar Dpir T‘oxat‘ec‘i, 1568. -13volume. -Size: 19/13cm.
- Parzatumar [Calendar-based Manual] Constantinople: pr. Abgar Dpir T‘oxat‘ec‘i, 1568. -13volume. -Size: 14/10cm.
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Abgar Dpir T‘oxat‘ec‘i, 1568.
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Abgar Dpir T‘oxat‘ec‘i, 1568.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: pr. Abgar Dpir T‘oxat‘ec‘i, 1569. -40p.
- Tomar Grigorean [Gregorian Calendar] Rome: Yovhannes Terznc‘i and Sult‘ansah T‘oxat‘ec‘i (eds.), pr. Dominico Basa, 1584. -111p. - Size: 17/11cm.
- Dawanut‘iwn ughghap‘arut‘ean [Confession of Orthodoxy] Rome: Yovhannes Terznc‘i and Sult‘ansah T‘oxat‘ec‘i (eds.), pr. Dominici Basae, 1584.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Yovhannes Terznc‘i, 1587. -355p. - Size: 7.8/5.4cm.
- Brevis orthodoxae fidei professio, quae ax praescripto Sanctae Sedis Apostolicae ab orientalibus ad Sacrofactae Romanae Ecclesiae unitatem venientibus facienda proponitur. [Confession of Faith] Armeno-Latin, Rome: pr. Vatican, 1596.
1603 - 1700
[խմբագրել]- Summa doctrinae christianae [Summa of Christian Doctrine] Rome: S. Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1603.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Lvov: pr. Yovhannes K‘aramatanenc‘, 1616. - 480p.
- Bzskaran [Medical Manual] Lvov: pr. Yovhannes K‘aramatanenc‘, 1616.
- Aghot‘agirk‘ [Prayerbook] (Kipchak in Armenian characters) Lvov: pr. Yovhannes K‘aramatanenc‘, 1618. -168p.
- Rivola, Francisco, Dictionarium Armeno-Latinum [Armenian-Latin Dictionary] Milan: pr. Collegium Ambrosianum, 1621. -[8] 479p.
- Alphabetum Armenum, Jussu S.D.N. Gregorij XV [Armenian Alphabet] Rome: pr. Stephanus Paulinus, 1623.
- Eugineos D., Miabanut‘iun Hayots end Hromeakan Surb Yekeghec‘on [Concordia Armenorum cum Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae et declaratio articulorum septem novae legis sacramenta, pleraque alia concernentium - Agreement of the Armenians with the Holy Roman Church and declaration of seven articles concerning the sacraments of the new dispensation and several other matters]. - Rome: pr. Stephanus Paulinus, 1623.
- I kartsharot wardapetutene kristoneic‘ [Summa doctrinae christianae, Iussu Clementis VIII. Pont Max. ab illustriss. Card. Bellarmino Italico idiomate conscripta. Et mandato ill-/iustriss. Cynthij Aldobrandini Card. S. Georgij Armenice/ nationis Protect. In linguam Armenicam traduita. Ac. iterum S.D.N. Gregorij XV. Et Sac. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide decreto impressa [Summa of Christian Doctrine written in Italian by Card.[Robert] Bellarmino at the behest of Pope Clement VIII]. Translated into Armenian at the request of Card. S. Georgius, Protector of the Armenian Nation. Reprinted at the decree of S.D.N. Gregory XV and the Sacred Congregation for the propagation of the faith] (title of original: Dichiaratione piu copiosa della dottrina christiana), Rome: pr. Stephanus Paulinus, 1623. -32p.
- Rivola, Francisco, Grammaticae armenae libri quattuor [Four Books of Armenian Grammar] (Latino-Armenian) Milan: pr. Collegium Ambrosianum, 1624. -319p. - Size: 14.8/9.5cm.
- Bellarmino, Roberto (Card.), Aravel parzabanutiun kristoneakan vardapetutean [Dichiaratione piucopiofa della /Dottrina Christiana/ Tradotta della Italiana nella lingua Armena dal P. /Pietro Paolo Sacerdote Armeno], Rome: Nella Stampa Della Sagra Congregatione de Propaganda Fide, 1630. -[8] 279p. - Size: 17.3/11.2cm.
- Rivola, Francisco, Bargirk‘ Hayoc‘ [Dictionarium Armeno-Latinum], Arm.-Lat. - Paris: pr. Antonius Vitray, ed. Librorum Officii Ecclesiastici, 1633. -[8] 406p. - Size: 18.5/12.4cm.
- Aravel parzabanutiun kristoneakan vardapetutean Bellarmino, Roberto (Card.), Doctrina christiana a Petro Paulo, sacerdote armeno versa in linguam armenam (Latin-Arm.). - Paris: impensis Societatis typographicae librorum officii ecclesiastici, jussu Regis constitutae, 1634. -[12] 276p. -Size: 18.4/12cm.
- I Barjuns Astucoy [Glory to God in the Highest] (liturgical text) Rome: Typis Sacra Congrag. de Propaganda Fide, 1637. -1p. -Size: 37/26.5cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] New Julfa: pr. Xachatur Kesarac‘i (no colophon), 1638. -604p.
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] New Julfa, All-Saviour’s Monastery: pr. Xachatur Kesarac‘i, 1641. -Size: 17/13cm.
- Haranc‘ Vark‘ [Lives of the Fathers] New Julfa, All-Saviour’s Monastery: pr. Xachatur Kesarac‘i, 1641. - 705p. -Size: 17.5/12.8cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Yovhannes Ankiwrac‘i at the Saligat‘au Press, 1642.
- Pataragatetr [Missal] (Armeno-Latin) Rome: pr. Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1642. - [6] 132p.
- Professio orthodoxae fidei (Armeno-Latin) Rome: pr. Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1642.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] New Julfa, All-Saviour’s Monastery: pr. Xachatur Kesarac‘i, 1642. -699p. -Size 17.2/13cm.
- Nerses Snorhali, Visus Ordi [Jesus the Son] Venice: pr. Yovhannes Ankiwrac‘i at the Saligat‘au Press, 1643. -527p. -Size 11.6/6.8cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Livorno: pr. Yovhannes Jughayec‘i, 1644.-392p. -Size 7.5/4.7cm.
- Galanus, Clemens, Grammaticae et logicae institutiones linguae literalis armenicae (Armeno- Latin) Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1645.-444p. -Size 17/11.7cm.
- Parzatumar [Calendar-based Manual] New Julfa, All-Saviour‘s Monastery: pr. Yovhannes Jughayec‘i, 1647. -84p. -Size 9/6.2cm.
- Awetaran [Gospel Book] Suceava (Romania): Metropolitan press, 1649.
- Galanus, Clemens, Conciliationis ecclesiae armenae cum romana pars prima histotialis (Armeno-Latin) Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1650.-594p. -Size 24/15.5cm.
- Astuacasunc [Bible] (incomplete publication) New Julfa, All-Saviour’s Monastery: pr. Yovhannes Jughayec‘i, 1650/ -233p.
- Galanus, Clemens, Conciliationis ecclesiae armenae cum romana secunda pars controversialis tomus primus (Armeno-Latin) Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1658.-482p. -Size 24.2/15.8cm.
- Galanus, Clemens, Conciliationis ecclesiae armenae cum romana secunda pars controversialis tomus primus (Armeno-Latin) Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1658.-531p. -Size 24.2/15.8cm.
- Nerses Snorhali, Visus Ordi [Jesus the Son] Venice: pr. Juan-Batista Bovis, 1660.-526pp -Size 11.6/6.8cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Juan-Batista Bovis, 1660.-376p. -Size 12.5/8cm.
- Nerses Snorhali, Visus Ordi [Jesus the Son] Amsterdam: pr. Matt‘eos Carec‘I and Awetis Ghlitshenc‘, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1660-1661.-614p. -Size 11/6.9cm.
- Galanus, Clemens, Conciliationis ecclesiae armenae cum romana secunda pars controversialis tomus primus (Armeno-Latin) Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1661. - 812p. -Size 24.5/15cm.
- Tetr zhamu ew parzatomari [Book of Hours and Calendar-based Manual] Amsterdam: pr. Awetis Ghlit/enc‘, Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1661.-95p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Amsterdam: pr. Awetis /lit/enc‘ and Karapet Andrianac‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1661-1662.-762p.
- Karapet Andrianac‘i, Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] Amsterdam: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1662.-72p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Amsterdam: pr. Awetis /lit/enc‘ and Karapet Andrianac‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1662-1663.- 624p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Amsterdam: pr. Karapet Andrianac‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1664. -55p.
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: pr. Karapet Andrianac‘i and Oskan Yerewanc‘i St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1664-1665.-779p. -Size 12/7.2cm.
- Aybbenaran ew K‘rtistoneakan [Primer in Reading and Christian Faith] Amsterdam: Oskan Yerewanc‘i St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1666.-64p. -Size 12.5/10cm.
- Oskan Yerewanc‘i, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammar] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1666. -112p. -Size 10.2/7.8cm.
- Astuacasunc‘ [Bible] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1666-1668. - 1470p. -Size 21/14.7cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, 1666. -83p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1667. -275p.
- Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayerbook] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1667. -66p. -Size 10.5/6.3cm.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1667.-383p. -Size: 15.2/9.2cm.
- Doctrina christiana (Armeno-Latin) Amsterdam: 1667.
- Vardapetut‘iwn K‘rtistoneakan est hayoc‘ [Christian Doctrine According to the Armenians] (Armeno-Latin) Amsterdam: 1667.-82p. -Size 12/7cm.
- Aybbenaran ew K‘rtistoneakan [Primer in Reading and Christian Faith] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1668.
- Nor Ktakaran [New Testament] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i and Karapet Andrianac‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1668. -934p. -Size 12.4/6.5cm.
- Tomarac‘ girk‘ [Book of Calendars] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1668.-296p. -Size 9.5/5.8cm.
- Tomarac‘ girk‘ [Book of Calendars] Amsterdam: 1668.- 238p./
- Movses Xorenac‘i, Asxarhac‘ouc‘-Aghuesagirk‘ [Geography and lit. ‘Foxbook‘, a collection of fables] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i , St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1668. -312p. -Size 9.8/5.9cm.
- Markelos Phaleriac‘i: Xostovanaran kam ambastaran, Trans. from Italian by Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Livorno: (press unspecified), 1669.-162p.[1]. -Size 6.5/5.5cm.
- Arak‘el Davrizhec‘i, Girk‘ patmut‘eanc‘ [Book of Histories] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1669.- 650p. -Size 14.5/8cm.
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, 1669. -273p. -Size 9.8/6cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘‘i and Petros Jughayec‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1669 (-1680’s). -464p. -Size 17.4/12cm.
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Amsterdam: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘ i, 1669. -272p. -Size 11.3/6.3cm.
- Ordo divinae missae armenorum, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1670.
- Bellarmino, Roberto (Card.), Christiana Doctrina, trans. Barsegh Kostandnupolsec‘i, Livorno: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘ i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1670. -366p. -Size 10/6cm.
- Giardino spirituale (trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i), Livorno: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1670.
- Tarec‘oyc‘ ew Tonac‘oyc‘ [Calendar and Synaxary] trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Livorno: (press unspecified), 1671-1672. -263p.[6]
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Marseilles: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1672. - [2] 448p.
- Alphabetum armenum, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1673. -16p.
- Parzatomar [Calendrical Manual] Marseilles: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1673. -80p.
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayerbook] (Abridged Narek, incomplete publication) Marseilles: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1673. -48p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Marseilles: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1673. -424p. -Size 23.8/15.6cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Marseilles: pr. Oskan Yerewanc‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1673-1674. -416p. -Size 9.9/6cm.
- Thomas a‘ Kempis, Imitatio Christi, trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1674. -[14, 18] 643p. -Size 11.1/6.7cm.
- Bona, Giovanni (Card.), Manuductio ad coelum [Guide to Heaven], trans. Vardan Yunanean, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1674. -524p.[2,5]. -Size: 11.8/6.7cm.
- Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Puritas linguae armenicae [Armenian grammar] Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1674. -216p. -Size: 17/12cm.
- Piromalli, Paulo, Yaghags Tsmartut‘ean hawatoyn k‘ristoneakani [On the Truth of the Christian Faith] Rome: 1674. -210p.[3]. -Size: 11/7cm.
- Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Hamarotut‘iwn tshmartasanakani arhesti [Brief Introduction to the Art of Rhetoric] Marseilles: pr. Soghomon Lewonean, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1674. -158p.[4]. -Size: 7/4cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Marseilles: pr. Soghomon Lewonean, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1675. -538p.
- Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Puritas haygica seu grammatica armenica [Armeno-Latin] Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1675. -[6.3] 255p. -Size: 17/12cm.
- Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Grammatica latina armenice explicata [Armeno-Latin] Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1675. -[2] 217p. -Size: 17/12cm.
- Flos Virtutum, trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1675. -248p. -Size: 11/6.7cm.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] Marseilles: pr. Soghomon Lewonean, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1675. -94p. -Size: 9.2/6cm.
- Arhest hamarotut‘ean [The Art of Arithmetic] (Modern Armenian) Marseilles: pr. Soghomon Lewonean, 1675. -[4] 151p.-Size: 8.7/5cm.
- Girk‘ vayeluch yew harkawor hanurc‘ [Book Fitting and Necessary for All] (Calendar) Marseilles: pr. Soghomon Lewonean, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1675. -144p. -Size: 8.7/5cm.
- Kanonk‘ zgusut‘eamb paheloy zanjn [Rules for Conducting Oneself Prudently] Marseilles: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1675. -12p.
- Grguk karewor hanapazordean [Book of everyday Importance] (Calendar) Marseilles: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1676. -96p. -Size: 7.4/5cm.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Marseilles: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 11th December 1676. -[4] 308p. -Size: 15/9.5cm.
- Nuagaran erenuhwoy kusin Mariamu [Book of Hymns to the Blessed Virgin Mary] trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Marseilles: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1676. -472p. -Size: 8.5/4.3cm.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Smyrna: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1676. - 304p.
- Nerses Snorhali, Girk‘ or i mnac‘ordac‘n Visus Ordwoy groc‘n [Collection of Remnants from the Book ‘Jesus the Son’] Constantinople: pr. Eremia Chelebi K‘eomiwrchean, 1677. - 96p.
- Liturgia Armena, Ministerium Missae, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1677. -52p. -Size: 25.3/16.3cm.
- Liturgia Armena, Ministerium Missae, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1677. -50p. -Size: 24/16cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Marseilles: pr. Soghomon Lewonean, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1677. - [1] 455p. - Size: 7/4cm.
- Parzatomar [Calendar Manual] pr. Soghomon Lewonean, 1677/ - 96p. - Size: 7.9/5.5cm.
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Venice, pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1678.
- Keomiwrchean, Eremia Ch’elepi, Tegheac‘ tnorinakanac‘ [The Holy Places of Jerusalem] Constantinople: pr. Author, 1678. -35p.
- Dawanutiun Hawatoy [Proffesio orthodoxae fidei ab orientalibus facienda] (Armeno-Latin) Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1678. -47p. Size: 11.5/7cm.
- Awetaran [Gospel Book] Venice, pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1680. - [16] 532p. - Size: 9.5/5.5cm.
- Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Speculum Veritatis continents particularem quandam instructionem fidei catholicae apostolicae ac romanae, compositum a D. Ioanne Agaup missionario apostolico, Venice: pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1680. - [6] 206p. - Size: 9.5/5.7cm.
- Bellarmino, Roberto (Card.), Dichiaratione piu` copiosa della Dottrina christiana, trans. Barsegh Kostandnupolsec‘i, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1680. - [8] 445p. - Size: 10.5/6.7cm.
- Andreas Acoluthus, Obadias Armenus, quo, cum analysi vocum armenicarum grammatica et collatione versionis armenicae cum fontibus, aliisque, maximam partem orientalibus versionibus, exhibetur, primum in Germania specimen characterum armenicorum (Armeno-Latin) Leipzig: pr. Justinus Brand, 1680. - [32] 88p. - Size: 18/14cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Venice: Michiel’angelo Barboni Press, 1681. -240p.
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Venice: pr. Vovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Michiel’angelo Barboni Press, 1681. - [7] 126p.
- Michel Feburus, Praecipuae objectiones quae vulgo solent fieri per modum interrogationis a mahumeticae legis sectatoribus, iudaeis, et haereticis orientalibus adversus catholicos, earumque solutiones, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1681. -383p. - Size: 9.8/5.9cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice, Michiel’angelo Barboni Press, 1682. -512p.
- Dashants tught=Lettera dell amicitia a dell unione di Costantino gran cesare a disan Siluestro sommo pontefice, e di Tirdade re della armenia, e dis. Gregorio / iluminatore della natione armena scritta nell anno del Signore 316 [Letter of Concord] (Armeno-Italian) Venice: Michiel’angelo Borbohi Press, 1682. - 43p. - Size: 13/9cm.
- Akn hogekan [The Spiritual Eye] Marseilles: pr. Matt‘eos Vanadec‘i, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1683. -133p.
- Movses Xorenac‘i, Asxarhac‘oyc‘-Aghuesagirk‘-hamarot vipasanut‘iwn [Geography, lit. ‘Foxbook‘, Collection of Fables, Brief Tale] Marseilles: pr. Soghomon Lewonean, St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1683. - 320p. - Size: 10.7/6cm.
- Partez Hogewor [Giardino spirituale], trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Marseilles: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1683. - 166p. - Size: 7.5/4.5cm.
- Girk‘ dprut‘ean ew Tagharan [Clerks‘ Book and Book of Tagh Songs] Venice: 1684. - 222p. - Size: 10.3/6.1cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1682. -528p.
- Awetaran [Gospel Book] Venice: pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1685-1686. - [18] 430p. - Size: 12.4/9.2cm.
- Burastan aghot‘ic‘ [Anthology of Prayers] trans. Stap‘anos Lehac‘i, Venice: pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1685. - [47, 1] 275p. - Size: 10.9/6.7cm.
- Noraguyn Tcaghik zoruteants [Flos Virtutum], Trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Venice: pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1685. - 237p. - Size: 10.5/6.5cm.
- Tomar [Calendar] Venice: pr. Michiel’angelo Barboni, 1685. - 320p. - Size: 8/5.5cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Giacomo Moretti, 1685.
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: Matteos Vanandec‘i, Holy Cross and Mary Mother of God Press, 1685. - 780p. - Size: 12.7/7.2cm.
- Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, Girk‘ harc‘manc‘ [Book of Questions] New Julfa: All-Saviour Monastery Press, 1685-1687. - Size: 19.5/13.5cm.
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] Venice: pr. Gaspar Sahradean, 1686. - [4] 40p. - Size: 21.5/14.7cm.
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Venice: pr. Gaspar Sahradean and T‘adeos Hamazaspean, 1686-1688. - [8] 1216p. - Size: 32.5/19cm.
- Nerses Snorhali, Visus Ordi [Jesus the Son] Venice: pr. Nahapet Giwinazar and Giacomo Moretti, 1686. - 416p. - Size: 12/7cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Amsterdam: pr. Matteos Vanandec‘i, 1686. -672p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Marseilles: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1686. -480p.
- Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Patasxanagrut‘iwnk‘ t‘ght‘oy urumn endimadrakani grec‘eloy yeghbarc‘ omanc‘ haykazuneac‘ [Reply to a letter of opposition written by certain brother Armenians] Venice: pr. Giacomo Moretti, 1687. - 47p. - Size: 11.5/7cm.
- Bouhours, Dominique, Xokumn k‘ristoneakan [Pensees chretiennes pour tous les jours do mois] trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Venice: pr. Gaspar Sahradean, 1687. - 224p. - Size: 8.5/5.5cm.
- Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Parzabanut‘iwn saghmosac‘n Dawt‘i [Explication of the Psalms of David] (modern Armenian) Venice: pr. Nahapet Givinazar, 1687. - 840p. - Size: 17.2/11.5cm.
- Alek‘sandr Jughayec‘i, Girk‘ atenakan or asi viabanakan [Book for use in Public Controversy] New Julfa: All-Saviour Monastery Press, 1687. - 288p. - Size: 6/4.5cm.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Amsterdam: pr. Matteos Vanandec‘i, 1687.
- Tomar [Calendar] Venice: 1688.
- Girk‘ zhoghovacoy enddem erkabnakac‘ [Anti-diophysite Compilation] New Julfa: All-Saviour Press, 1688. - 764p. - Size: 8.5/5.2cm.
- Yovhannes Jughayec‘i, Girk‘ hamarot vasn iskapes ew tfsmarit hawatoy [Brief Book concerning real and true Faith] New Julfa: All-Saviour Press, 1688. - [16] 364p. - Size: 8.2/5.2cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Amsterdam: 1688. -677p.
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, (Armenian and Italian) Venice: pr. Michiel‘angelo Barboni, 1690. - 51p. - Size: 16.3/10.6cm.
- Nerses Snorhali, Hawatov xostovanim [I Confess in Faith] Venice: pr. Michiel‘angelo Barboni, 1690.
- Girk‘ Dprut‘ean ew Tagharan [Clerks’ Book and Book of Tagh Songs] Venice: (press unspecified), 1690. - 224p. - Size: 9.3/6.3cm.
- Galanus, Clemens, Miabanutwin Hayoc‘ Surb Yekeghec‘woyn end Metc‘i Surb Yekeghec‘woyn Hrowmac‘=Conciliationis ecclesiae armenae cum romana prima pars historialis (Armenian and Latin) In 2 volumes. Vol. 1, 2nd ed. -Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1690. - [62] 531p. - Size: 24.5/15.2cm.
- Galanus, Clemens, Miabanutwin Hayoc‘ Surb Yekeghec‘woyn end Metc‘i Surb Yekeghec‘woyn Hrowmac‘=Conciliationis ecclesiae armenae cum romana prima pars historialis (Armenian and Latin) Vol. 1. -Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1690. - [15] 918p. - Size: 11.8/7.5cm.
- Dashanc‘ tought‘=Lettera dell‘ amicitia, e dell‘ unione di Constantino gran Cesare, e di S. Silvestro sommo pontifice, e di Tridade re dell‘ armenia, e di S. Gregorio illuminatore della natione armena, scritta nell‘ anno del Signore 316 [Letter of Concord] (Armenian and Italian) Pauda: pr. Timot‘eos Garnuk, 1690. -104p.
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: Holy Mother of God Press, 1692. - 720p. - Size: 12.3/7.5cm.
- Scuola di S. Gregorio luminator della nation armena (Picture), Venice: press unspecified, 1692.
- Kondak [Grammota] New Julfa: All-Saviour Monastery Press, 1693. -Size: 80/28cm.
- Movses Bjnec‘i, Vaghags kargi kat‘oghikos jernadrut‘ean [On the Rite of Consecrating the Catholicos] New Julfa: (press unspecified), 1693. - 1p. Size: 44/35cm.
- Dashanc‘ tought‘ [Lettera dell‘ amicitia, e dell‘ unione di Constantino gran Cesare, e di S. Silvestro sommo pontifice, e di Tridade re dell‘ armenia, e di S. Gregorio illuminatore della natione armena, scritta nell‘ anno del Signore 316] [Letter of Concord] (Armenian) Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1690. - 42p. - Size: 11.8/7.5cm.
- Dashanc‘ tought‘=Lettera dell‘ amicitia, e dell‘ unione di Constantino gran Cesare, e di S. Silvestro sommo pontifice, e di Tridade re dell‘ armenia, e di S. Gregorio illuminatore della natione armena, scritta nell‘ anno del Signore 316 [Letter of Concord] (Armenian and Italian) Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli,1690. - 39p. - Size: 16/10.3cm.
- Astuacatur Nersesovic, Dictionarium Latino-Armenum super sacram scripturam, et libros divini officii ecelesiae armenae, Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1695. - [8, 14] 596p. - Size: 17/11.8cm.
- Hamatarac asxarhac‘oyc‘, mec [Large World Map] (the two hemispheres) engraved by Hadrianus and Petrus Damianus Schoonebeek, Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1695. -Size: 120/150cm.
- Movses Xorenac‘i, Patmut‘iwn Hayoc‘ [History of the Armenians] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1695. - [12] 487p. - Size: 12/6cm.
- Parzatomar [Calendar Manual], 1695. -78(/) p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter], 1695. - 368p. - Size: 12.5/7.5cm.
- Tomar [Calendar] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1696. - 336(/)p. - Size: 8.7/6cm.
- Arak‘elean, Xac‘atur Erzrumec‘i, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammar] Livorno: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1696. - 124p. - Size: 12.2/7.8cm.
- Patmut‘iwn kayesrn P‘onci‘ianosi [The Tale of the Emperor Pontianus] Livorno: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1696. - 184p. - Size: 12.3/7.3cm.
- Thomas a` Kempis, Imitatio Christi, trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1696. - 420p. - Size: 8.8/4.6cm.
- Lukas Vanandec‘i, Banali hamatarac asxarhac‘uc‘in [Key to the World Map] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1696. - 30p. - Size: 12/3.8cm.
- Hamatarac asxarhac‘oyc‘, [World Map] (the two hemispheres) Amsterdam: 1696.
- Girk‘ xostovanut‘eanc‘ [Book of Confessions] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1698. - 112p. - Size: 11.8/6.5cm.
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzuanc‘i and Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1698.
- Eremia Meghrec‘i, Bargirk‘ hayoc‘ [Armenian Dictionary] Livorno: pr. Sargis Ewdokiac‘i Sahet‘tshi, 1698. - 344p. - Size: 13/7.4cm.
- Lukas Vanandec‘i Nurijanean, Tomar [Calendar] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1698. - 106p. - Size: 9.4/4.6cm.
- Nor K‘takaran [New Testament] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1698-1700. - [432, 1] 537 (=970)p. - Size: 11.2/6.1cm.
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: (press unspecified), 1698. - 492p. - Size: 19.3/12.8cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Amsterdam: 1698. - 480p. - Size: 16.7/10.5cm.
- Movses Xorenac‘i, Asxarhac‘oyc‘-Aghuesagirk‘ [Geography and lit. ‘Foxbook‘, a collection of fables] (press and proverance unspecified) pr. Eremia Vardapet Meghrec‘i, 1698. - 181p. - Size: 13/7.4cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1699. - 608p. - Size: 14.5/9.5cm.
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1699-1700. - 528p. - Size: 20/14.2cm.
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople: (press and unspecified), 1699. -288p.
- Lukas Vanandec‘i Nurijanean, Gandz chap‘oy, ksroy, t‘uoy ew dramic‘ bolor asxarhi [Treasury of Measures, Weights, Numbers and Currencies of the Whole World] (Modern Armenian) Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovma Vanandec‘i, 1699. - 80p. - Size: 11/6.7cm.
- Matt‘eos Vanandec‘i Yovhannisean and Lukas Vanandec‘i Nurijanean, Oskeay durn dpratan [The Golden Key to Schooling] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovma Vanandec‘i, 1699-1700. - [2] 70 (=72)p. - Size: 12.7/6cm.
1700 - 1725
[խմբագրել]- Hamarot patmut‘iwn tnorinakanac‘- Dasanc‘ tught‘ [Brief History of the Holy Sites of Jerusalem-Letter of Concord] Venice: (press unspecified), 1700. - 88p. - Size: 11.8/7.8cm.
- Aybbenaran ew K‘ristoneakan [Primer in Reading and Chritian Faith] Constantinople: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1700. -64p.
- Aybbenaran ew K‘ristoneakan [Primer in Reading and Chritian Faith] Constantinople: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1700.
- Meknut‘iwn Yaytnut‘ean [Commentary on Revelation] trans. Petros Vardapet T‘iflisec‘i, Constantinople: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1700-1701. - 208p. - Size: 12.2/7.3cm.
- Thomas a‘Kempis, Imitatio Christi, trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Constantinople: 1700-1701. - 352p. - Size: 12.8/7.4cm.
- Xachatur Erzrumec‘i Arak‘elean, Hamarot meknut‘iwn ergoy ergoc‘n Soghomoni [Brief Commentary on Soghomon‘s Song of Songs] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1700-1701. - 258p. - Size: 12.2/7.3cm.
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Book of Prayers] Constantinople: Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1701-1702. - 697p. - Size: 15.9/10.5cm.
- Dprut‘ean girk‘ ew Tagharan [Clerks‘ Book and Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1701. - 384p. - Size: 11.5/6.5cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1701. - 608p. - Size: 12.8/7.5cm.
- Girg Mtacakan Aghotic‘, Banali Jermerandakert [Book of Contemplative Prayer, Key to Fervour] trans. Petros T‘iflisec‘i, Constantinople: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis Press, 1701. - 128p. - Size: 12.2/7.4cm.
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1701-1702. - 392p. - Size: 11.3/6.8cm.
- Markelos Palermac‘i: Xostovanaran kam ambastaran, Trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Constantinople: 1701. -96p.
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] ed. Eremia Vardapet Meghrec‘i, Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1700. - 264p. - Size: 9.7/5.2cm.
- T‘eop‘ilos, Livorno: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis, 1701. - 240p. - Size: 12.7/7cm.
- Parzatumar hromeakan [Roman Calendrical Manual] Livorno: 1701.
- Gorcik‘ charcharanac‘ p‘rkchin [The Instruments of the Saviour‘s Passion] Marseilles(/): 1701/ - 61p. - Size: 6.9/4.5cm
- Step‘anean, Step‘anos Kamenc‘i, Durn voghormut‘ean Astucoy [Gate of God‘s Mercy] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1702. - 294p. - Size: 9.5/5.3cm
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Tshar xachi [Discourse on the Cross] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1702. - 152p.
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople: (press unspecified) 1702. -276p.
- Matt‘eos Vanandec‘i Yovhannisean and Lukas Vanandec‘i Nurijanean, Bnabanut‘iwn imastasirakan [Natural Philosophy] vols. 1-2, Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1702. - 120p. - Size: 11.5/5.6cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1702-1703. - 780p. - Size: 12.7/7.2cm
- Hayeli varuc‘ [Mirror of Conduct] (press and provenance unspecified), 1702. - 335p. - Size: 12.4/7.5cm
- Meknut‘iwn neroghut‘eanc‘ wor k‘snorhin yekeghec‘woy i dzern Srbazan P‘ap‘in [Interpretation of the Indulgences, which are bestowed by the church through the Holy Pope] (press and provenance unspecified), 1702. - 16p. - Size: 12/7cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Visus ordi [Jesus the Son] (press and provenance unspecified), 1702. - 342p. - Size: 12.4/7.4cm
- James, Brother of the Lord, K‘tak girk‘ [Book of Covenant] and Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Yaghags apasxarut‘ean [Concerning Repentance] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1703. - 212p. - Size: 12.5/7.3cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1703.
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, (printer and press uspecified), 1703. - 288p. - Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1703. - 258p. - Size: 14.5/10cm
- Partez Hogewor [Giardino spirituale] Trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1704. - 329p. - Size: 9.5/5.5cm
- Petros Aragonac‘i ew Bardughimeos Bononiac‘i, Xratakank‘ ew hogesahk‘ K‘arozk‘ [Counsels and Edifying Sermons] Venice: (press unspesified), 1704. - [2] 270p. - Size: 7.6/13.5cm
- Gorck‘ arak‘eloc‘ [Acts of Apostles] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1704.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1704. - 642p. - Size: 14.2/9.6cm
- Keomiwrchean, Komitas, Gorc‘k arak‘eloc‘ [Acts of Apostles] (verse), Constantinople: St. Ejmiacin and St. Sargis, 1704. - 196p. - Size: 11.6/7cm
- Burastan Aghotic‘ [Anthology of Prayers] trans. From Latin by Step‘anos Lehac‘i, Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1704. - 232p. - Size: 12/7cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1704. - 424p. - Size: 13/7.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1704. -608p.
- Vardan Marat‘ac‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer-book] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1704.
- Galust Amasiac‘i, Lusasawigh [Road of Light] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1704. - 224p. - Size: 12/7.2cm
- Lukas Vanandec‘i Nurijanean, Hambiwr srbut‘ean [Holy Kiss] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1704. - 16p. - Size: 11.4/5.7cm
- Yognadimi astuacabanakan baroyakan ew k‘aghak‘akan iroghut‘eanc‘ sahmank‘ [The Diverse Definitions of Theological, Moral and Political Matters] and Aristotle, De virtute, the latter translated form Greek by Lukas Vanandec‘i, Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1704. - [6] 58 (=64)p. - Size: 11.5/6cm
- Paston astuacayin [Divine Service] trans. From Latin by Lukas Vanandec‘i, Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1704. - [11] 37, 184 (=232)p. - Size: 11/6.1cm
- Astuacasunc‘ [Bible] Constantinople (Beyoglu): pr. Petros Latinac‘i, 1705-1707. - 511, 647 (=1158)p. - Size: 16.8/11cm
- Xokumn varuc‘ [Meditation on Conduct] Constantinople: pr. Georg Sargsean, 1705. -96p.
- Thomas a‘ Kempis, Imitatio Christi, trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1705. - [14, 18] 611 (=643)p. - Size: 11.2/6.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1705. - 632p. - Size: 13/7cm
- Bona, Giovanni (Card.), Manuductio ad coelum [Guide to Heaven] trans. Vardan Yunanean, Amsterdam: pr. T‘ovmas Vanandec‘i, 1705. -348p. -Size: 12/6.2cm
- Zhamagirk‘ srbuhwoy kusin Mariamu astuacacnin [Breviary of the Holy virgin Mary Mother of God] Zhamamatoyc‘ Yaghags srboyn Grigori lusaworc‘in [Breviary on St. Gregory the Illuminator] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1706. -345 p. -Size: 10/5cm
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzuanec‘i, 1706. -43 p. -Size: 20/14cm
- Yaysmawurk‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzuanec‘i, 1706. -951p. -Size: 32.3/19.2cm
- Yaysmawurk‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1706-1708. -1043p. -Size: 27.2/17cm
- Burastan Aghotic‘ [Anthology of Prayers] trans. Step‘anos Lehac‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1707. -497p.
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1707-1708. -352p. -Size: 11/8cm
- Patmut‘iwn pghnje k‘aghak‘in [Tale of the City of Bronze] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1708. -168p. -Size: 11.7/7cm
- Tomar [Calendar] Marseilles-Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1708-1709. -272p. -Size: 11.5/7cm
- Girk‘ mtacakan aghotic‘, banali jermerandakert [Book of Cotemplative Prayer, Key to Fervour] trans. Petros T‘iflisec‘i, Marseilles: (press unspecified), 1708. -144p. -Size: 9.4/5.4cm
- Zhamagirk‘ hromeakan [Roman Breviary] Marseilles: (press unspecified), 1708. -288p. -Size: 9.5/5.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ nnjec‘eloc‘ [Breviary for the Departed] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1709. -91p. -Size: 11.5/6.5cm
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Hamarotut‘iwn baroyakani astuacabanut‘ean [Brief Exposition of Moral Theology] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1709. -799p. -Size: 18.6/12.5cm
- Agat‘angeghos, Girk‘ vipasanut‘ean [Epic Account] and Dasanc‘ t‘ught‘ [Letter of Concord], Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzuanec‘i, 1709-1710. -441p. -Size: 15.8/11cm
- Dprut‘ean girk‘ ew Tagharan [Clerks‘ Book and Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1709. -254(/)p. -Size: 12/7cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1709. -600p. -Size: 12/7.2cm
- Parzatomar [Calendrical Manual] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1709. -148p.
- Hmayil [Prayer Roll] Constantinople: pr. Etkear Gndewanc‘i, 1709. -Size: Lenght 8m 30cm/ 8cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople, 1709.
- Patmut‘iwn pghnje k‘aghak‘in [Tale of the City of Bronze] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1709. -148p. -Size: 12/7cm
- Krt‘ut‘iwn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Education] Rome: Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, 1709.
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, K‘arozgirk‘ [Sermonary] (2 vols.) vol. 1, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1710.
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, K‘arozgirk‘ [Sermonary] (2 vols.) vol. 1, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1710. -1202p. -Size: 19.2/13.2cm
- Villotte, Jacques, S.J., K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1710. -72p. -Size: 12/7.5cm
- Nor Ktakaran [New Testament] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1710. - [8] 394, 503 (=905)p. -Size: 10.2/5cm
- Partez Hogewor [Giardino spirituale]. Trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1710. -329p. -Size: 9.5/4.8cm
- Dprut‘ean girk‘ ew Tagharan [Clerks‘ Book and Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1710-1711. -224p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Zhoghovacu girk‘ [Miscellany] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1710. -308p. -Size: 15.4/10.3cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1710-1711. -728p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Constantinople: pr. Etkear Gndewanc‘i, 1710. -479p. -Size: 13/11cm
- James, Brother of the Lord, K‘takagirk‘ [lit. Covenantbook] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1710. -168p. -Size: 11.7/7.4cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Marseilles: (press unspecified), 1710.
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Hamarotakan imastasirut‘iwn [Brief Introduction to Philosophy] (verse) 2 vols. vol. 1 Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1711. -[6] 751p. -Size: 19.2/13cm
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Hamarotakan imastasirut‘iwn [Brief Introduction to Philosophy] (verse) 2 vols. vol. 1 Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1711. -[2] 686p. -Size: 19.2/13cm
- Krt‘ut‘iwn hamareloy noroy gtman [Training in New Arithmetic] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1711. -120p. -Size: 11.7/5.4cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: 1711.
- Villotte, Jacques, S.J., Meknut‘iwn dawanut‘ean hawatoy [Interpretation of Confession of the Orthodox Faith] Rome: pr. Sacra Congrecatio de Propaganda Fide, 1711. -[16] 173 (=189)p. -Size: 11.5/7cm
- Yovhannes Mrguz, Hamarot k‘erakanut‘iwn ew tramabanut‘iwn [Brief Grammar and Logic] Amsterdam: (press unpecified), 1711. -78p. -Size: 12/8cm
- Schroder, J. Joachim, Thesaurus linguae armenicae [Grammar of classical and modern Armenian] Amsterdam: (press unspecified), 1711. -570p. -Size: 14/10cm
- Saghmosaran p‘ok‘rik [Small Psalter] Venice: pr. Antoni Bortoli, 1712. -451p. -Size: 8.3/4.5cm
- Aybbenaran and K‘ristoneakan [Primer in Reading and Christian Faith] compiled by the priest Yovhan Aknec‘i, Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1712. -[10] 163p. -Size: 15/10.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1712. -608p. -Size: 12.9/7.4cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1712. -608p.
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1712-1714. -1174p. -Size: 22.5/15cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: Holy Mother of God Press, 1712. -720p. -Size: 12.7/7.2cm
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Tfartasanut‘iwn [Rhetoric] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1713. -316p. -Size: 19/12.4cm
- Villotte, Jacques, S.J., Patmagrut‘iwn kat‘oghikosac‘ ew t‘agaworac‘ hayoc‘ [History of the Catholicoi and Kings of the Armenians] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1713. -54p. -Size: 11.2/8cm
- Yovhannes Mrguz, Krt‘ut‘iwn hawatoy [Teaching the Faith] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1713. -251p. -Size: 12.3/8.4cm
- Yovhannes Mrguz, Dawanut‘iwn hawatoy [Confession of Faith] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1713-1714. -336p. -Size: 13/7.4cm
- Zhoghovacu Girk‘ [Miscellany] Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1713. -250p. -Size: 16.3/11.7cm
- Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, Nkatumn Tfsmartut‘ean [Consideration of the Truth] (anti-diophysite treatise) Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1713. -16p. -Size: 17.5/11cm
- K‘ristoneakan zgusac‘um [Christian Cousels] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1713. -40p.
- Nurijanean, Lukas Vanandec‘i, Hayeli astauacasunc‘ hin ktakaranin [Mirror of Old Testament Scripture] Amsterdam: pr. Lukas Vanandec‘i, 1713. - [16] 752p. -Size: 9.7/6cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Amsterdam: pr. Lukas Vanandec‘I, 1713. -446p. -Size: 8/4.5cm
- Mrkanoc‘ hogewor [Spiritual Orchard] (Pratum spirituale). Provenance and press unspecified, 1713. -120p.
- Zhamagirk‘ Jahkac‘ [Psalter for the province of Naxijewan] trans. Petros and Grigor Jahkec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1713. - 1330 p. -Size: 19.2/12.5cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1714. - 712p. -Size: 15.5/9.8cm
- Barjragah ink‘nakal... [Elevated Sovereign] (Letter of Petition to the Armenian Catholicos), Amsterdam: pr. Lukas Vanandec‘i, June 10, 1714. - 2p. -Size: 25.3/14.8cm
- Dprut‘ean girk‘ ew Tagharan [Clerks’ Book and Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople (Beyoglu), 1714. - 240p. -Size: 15/10cm
- Grigor Ewdokiac‘i, Orhnut‘iwnk‘ hogework‘ [Spiritual Blessings] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1714. - 24p. -Size: 8.3/6.7cm
- Villotte, Jacques, S.J., Dictionarium novum latino-armenum expraecipuis armeniane linguae scriptoribus concinnatum. In quo, praeter adjunctos singularum vocum sensus multiplices, multa etiam theologica, physica, moralia, historica, mathematica, geographia, chronologica suis quaeque locis passim explicantur. Accessit tabula chronologica regum et patriarcharum utrisque Armeniae Rome: typis Sac. Congreg. De Propaganda Fide, 1714. - [28] 800p. -Size: 28.3/18cm
- Villotte, Jacob, S.J., Commentarius in evangelia, Rome: typis Sac. Congreg. De Propaganda Fide, 1714. - [28] 616p. -Size: 16.5/11.2cm
- Manni, Giovanni Battista, S.J., Quattro massime della christiana filosophia, trans. Jaques Villotte, S.J., Rome: nella stamparia della Sac. Congreg. De Propag. Fide, 1714. - 80p. -Size: 12.1/7cm
- Parzatomar Azariayi [Explanation of Azaria’s Calendar] Amsterdam: pr. Lukas Vanandec‘i, 1714. - 79p. -Size: 9.5/6cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Amsterdam: pr. Lukas Vanandec‘i, 1714-1715. - 838p. -Size: 12.5/7.4cm
- Petrus Richard, Hamarot meknut‘iwn awetarani [A Brief Commentary on the Gospel] (provenance and press unspecified), 1714. - 592p. -Size: 12.4/7.5cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Hamarotut‘iwn astuacabanut‘ean eraneloyn mecin Alberti [Abbreviation of the Theology of the Blessed Albertus Magnus] and Lucmunk‘ Dzuarimac‘ic‘ ew tarakusanac‘ banic‘ Alpertin [Resolution of Difficult and Uncertain Passages in Albert] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1715-1716. - 680p. -Size: 13.7/7.4cm
- Petros and Grigor Jahkec‘i, Hamarot ew sahawet k‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Brief and Profitable Presentation of Christian Doctrine] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1715. -32p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Costantinople: 1715/
- Nurijanean, Lukas Vanandec‘i, Patkeraser pathkerateac‘ [Iconodule-Iconoclast] and P‘ark‘ ew paycarap‘ayl p‘araheghut‘iwn Visusi K‘ristosi ariabar bac‘ayayteal ew jatagoveal i Movsiso ew i margareic‘n [Jesus Christ‘s Glory and Radiant Splendour unabashedly manifested and unheld by Moses and the Prophets] Amsterdam: pr. The author, 1716. - 448p. -Size: 12.3/6.8cm
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1717. -Size: 5m 80cm lenght / 9cm wide.
- St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on the Holy Gospel According to John, trans. Kirakos Vardapet, Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1717. - [3] 979p. -Size: 15.5/10.6cm
- Zhoghovacu girk‘ [Miscellany] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1717-1718. - 508p. -Size: 14.3/9.4cm
- St. Cyril of Alexsandria, Catechetical Lectures St. Athanastus of Alexsandria, Letter to Epictimon, Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, Lucmunk‘i parapums srboyn Kiwreli [Expications of St. Cyril’s Catechitical Lectures] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1717. - 800p. -Size: 15.8/11cm
- Yovhannes Artfisec‘i, Meknut‘iwn pataragi [Commentary on the Liturgy] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1717. - 280p. -Size: 13.2/7.5cm
- Hamarot hawak‘umn irac‘ manawandagunic‘ [Brief Collection of Most Essential Materials] Constantinople: 1717.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Amsterdam: pr. Lukas Vanandec‘i, 1717. - 320p. -Size: 6.4/3.8cm
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] (provenance and press unspecified), 1717. -Size: 8m 30cm lenght / 7cm wide.
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Krt‘ut‘iwn Aghotic‘ [Training in Prayer] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1718. - 268p. -Size: 10.7/6.2cm
- Pope Clement XI, Formula indulgentiarum, quas Clemens XI coronis, rosariis, crucibus, parvisque imaginibus…Rome: typis Sac. Congreg. De Propaganda Fide, 1718. - 1p. -Size: 41/26cm
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople (Beyoglu): 1718. -272p.
- Tshsmarit imastut‘iwn [True Wisdom] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1718. - 144p. -Size: 11.6/6.8cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Amsterdam: Holy Mother of God Press, 1718. - 720p. -Size: 12.5/7.6cm
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] (provenance and press unspecified), 1718. -Size: 8m 70cm lenght / 8.5cm wide.
- Bouhours, Dominique, Xokumn K‘ristoneakan [Christian Contemplation] (Pensees chretiennes pour tous les jours du mois), trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Venice: pr. Givanni Bascio, 1719. - 108p. -Size: 7/4.5cm
- Giardino spirituale, trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Venice: pub. Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, pr. Givanni Bascio, 1719.
- Zenob Glak, Patmut‘iwn Taronoy [History of Taron], Yovhannes Mamikonean, Patmut‘iwn Taronoy [History of Taron], Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1719. - 268p. -Size: 11.7/6.7cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1719. - 576p. -Size: 19.6/14.3cm
- Hrahangk‘ surj zhaghordut‘eamb [Instructions concerning communion of Orthodox with Heretics and Schismatics] Rome: Sac. Congreg. De Propaganda Fide, 1719. -10p.
- Nor Ktakaran [New Testament] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1720. - [4] 828p. -Size: 11/5.5cm
- Peter, of Aragon, Girk‘ molut‘eanc‘ [Book of Vices] Venice: pub. Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, pr. Anton Bortoli, 1720. - 495p. -Size: 16/10.2cm
- Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, Girk‘ harc‘manc‘ [Book of Questions] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1720 (incomplete publication). - 124p. -Size: 19.4/13.2cm
- Haranc‘ vark‘ [Lives of the Fathers] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1720-1723. - 568p. -Size: 24/16cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1720. - 408p. -Size: 12.4/7cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Sahawet [Profitable Book] (On Christian Virtues) Constantinople: 1720. - 96 (/)p. -Size: 11/6.5cm
- Karg paheloy hasarakabar i patarags [Public order for offering the liturgy] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1721. -11p.
- Peter, of Aragon, De virtutibus liber, trans. Yakob Naxijewanc‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1721. - 704p. -Size: 16/10cm
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1721. -264p.
- Arak‘el Siwnec‘i, Adamagirk‘ [Adambook] (verse) Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1721. - 288p. -Size: 11.5/7cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1721. - 608p. -Size: 12.8/7.8cm
- Patmut‘iwn kaysern p‘onc‘ianosi [Tale of the Emperor Pontianus] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1721. - 288p. -Size: 11.25/7.7cm
- Patmut‘iwn pghnji k‘aghak‘in [Tale of the City of Bronze] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1721. - 176p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1721-1722. -608p.
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1721. - 256p. -Size: 12/7.2cm
- Aghbiwr bari [Good Fountain] trans. Petros T‘iflisec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1722. - 359p. -Size: 9.5/5cm
- Aybbenaran [Reader Primer] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1722. -72p.
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1722. - 976p. -Size: 28.5/18cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1722. - 360p. -Size: 12.8/7.8cm
- Girk‘ ew tshar hogesah [Edifiyng Discourse and Book] Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1722. - 488p. -Size: 16.3/10.5cm
- Ktakagirk‘ [Book of the Covenant] (verse), Constantinople: pr. Sargis Dpir, 1722. - 116p. -Size: 12.8/7.2cm
- Scupoli, Lopenzo, Hogeworakan Paterazm [Spiritual Warfare] // Combattimento spirituale, Constantinople: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1723. - 369p. -Size: 8.5/5cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1723. - 64p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1723. -112p
- Dprut‘ean girk‘ ew Tagharan [Clerks’ Book and Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1724. - 288p. -Size: 12.3/8.3cm
- Patmagirk‘ hogwoc‘ hawatac‘eal nnjec‘eloc‘ [Histories of the Souls of the Faithful Departed] translated and compiled by Yovnan T‘oxat‘ec‘i, 1724. - 576p. -Size: 5/8.3cm
- Vark‘ eranelwoyn srboy Yohannisin (written by a Jesuit) [Life of the Blessed St. John] trans. Yovnan T‘oxat‘ec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1724. - 322p. -Size: 8.5/5cm
- Draxt Hogwoy [Paradise of the Spirit] Trans. and pr. Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, 1724.
- Nerses Snorhali, Yisus ordi [Jesus the Son] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1724-1725. - 404p. -Size: 11.8/7.4cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1724. - 528p. -Size: 20/14.7cm
- Noragoyn caghik zorut‘eanc‘ [New Flower of the Virtues] trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1724. - 256p. -Size: 12.2/7.5cm
- Yovhannes T‘lkuranc‘i, Ararack‘ [Genesis] Constantinople: 1724. - 96p. -Size: 13/10cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Haneluk [Riddles] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1724. -128p.
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] (provenance and press unspecified), 1724. -Size: 6m 30cm lenght / 9.5cm wide.
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] and aybbenaran [Reading Primer] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1725. - 312p. -Size: 14.5/8cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1725. - 608p. -Size: 12/10cm
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1725-1726. - 304p. -Size: 12.3/7.4cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1725. - 384p. -Size: 12.3/7.5cm
- Simeon Jughayec‘i, K‘errakanut‘iwn [Grammar] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1725. - 231p. -Size: 11.5/7cm
- Yobelean surb tari t‘oghut‘ean [The Jubilee Holy Year of Indulgence] (Giubileo dell’ Anno Santo publicato dal Sommo Pontifice Benedetto XIII) trans. Yovhan T‘oxat‘ec‘i (Bishop of Sebastia) Rome: nella stamparia della Sag. Congreg. De Propaganda Fide, 1725. -20p.
- Noragoyn ughghekc‘ut‘iwn [New Guide] (Nuova guida angelica perpetua romana: trans. Yovhan T‘oxat‘ec‘i, bishop of Sebastia) Rome: nella stamparia della Sag. Congreg. De Propaganda Fide, 1725. -254p.
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] (provenance and press unspecified), 1725. -Size: 7m 25cm lenght / 9.5cm wide.
1725 - 1750
[խմբագրել]- Grigor Narekac‘i, Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1726. - 431p. -Size: 16/11cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1726. - 384p. -Size: 11.9/7.3cm
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] 1726. -Size: 3m 60cm lenght / 9cm wide.
- Dastik caghkali [Flowery Meadow] trans. Yovnan T‘oxat‘ec‘i, bishop of Sebastia, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1727. - 429p. -Size: 11.9/6.1cm
- Thomas Aquinas, Xostovanaran [Confessional] (De modo confitendi. trans. Petros Muhupean) Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1727. - 141p. -Size: 8.7/5cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Girk‘ k‘ristoneakani vardapetut‘ean [Book of Christian Doctrine] and Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] (Modern Armenian) Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1727. - 132p. -Size: 11.5/6cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Durn k‘erakanut‘ean [Door of Grammar] and Bargirk‘ [Dictionary] (Armenian and Turkish in Armenian characters), first grammar of Modern West Armenian, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1727. - 149p. -Size: 11.5/5.5cm
- Joannen (Maria) Carmelita Bobik, Xt‘an zghjman [Stimulus to Contrition] trans. Petros Muhupean, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1727. - 288p. -Size: 8.7/5cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1726. - 768p. -Size: 13.8/7.8cm
- Cyril of Jerusalem, Koc‘umn encayut‘ean [lit. ‘Call to Devotion’: catechetical lectures], Grigor Arsaruni, Meknut‘iwn ent‘erc‘uacoc‘n [Commentary on the Lectionary] Constantinople: 1727-1728. - 592p. -Size: 17/9.8cm
- Aghotagirk‘ [Prayer Book], Constantinople(/), 1727. - 382(/)p. -Size: 14/10cm
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] (provenance and press unspecified), 1727. -Size: 7m 30cm lenght / 9.5cm wide.
- K‘arak‘sean, Mariam, Akn hogwoy [The Eye of the Spirit] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1728. -16p.
- Simeon Jughayec‘i, Tramabanut‘iwn [Logic], Porpyry, Introduction, Davit‘ Anjaght‘, Arack‘ hing [Five Propositions], Dawit‘ Anjaght‘ Vasn bazhanman [On Division]. Constantinople: Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1728. - 352p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Eremia Meghrec‘i, Bargirk‘ hayoc‘ [Armenian Dictionary] and Vardan Asxarhagir, Asxarhac‘oyc‘ [Geography] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1728. - 576p. -Size: 13.3/8cm
- Xorhrdatetr (Missale sacri ordinis praedicatorum) trans. T‘ovmas Xoskasinec‘i, Rome: Sac. Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1728. - 658p. -Size: 29.5/17.5cm
- P‘ark‘ i bardzuns [lit. ‘Glory in the Highest‘] (collection of prayers) Rome: Sac.Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1728. - 1p. -Size: 31.5/26.3cm
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] [Probably K. Polis], 1728. -Size: 6m 20cm lenght / 9.5cm wide.
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Liakatar astuacabanut‘iwn [Complete Theology] (verse) Pt.1, vol.1, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1729. - [8] 624 (=632)p. -Size: 18.7/11.6cm
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Liakatar astuacabanut‘iwn [Complete Theology] (verse) Pt.1, vol.2, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1729. -759p.
- Albertus Magnus Draxt hogwoy [Paradise of the Soul] (Paradisus animae: trans. Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i and Yovhannes vardapet Sebastac‘i), Venice: pr. Battista Albrizzi Jerolimo, 1729. - 300p. -Size: 10.3/6.4cm
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1729. - 460p. -Size: 15.4/10.3cm
- Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, Girk‘ harc‘manc‘ [Book of Questions] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1729. - 808p. -Size: 22/14.2cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1729. -616p
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] 1729. -Size: 4m lenght / 9.5cm wide.
- Hrahang surj zhaghordut‘eamb [Instructions concerning communion of Orthodox with Heretics and Schismatics] (provenance and press unspecified), 1729. - 10p. -Size: 19.2/13cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, K‘erakanut‘iwn grabari lezui [Grammar of Classical Armenian] Venice: pr. Battista Albrizzi Jerolimo, 1730. - 584p. -Size: 17.3/11.2cm
- Zhamk‘ [Book of Hours] Venice: 1730. -56p.
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Harc‘umn K‘ert‘oghakan [Grammatical Questions] Venice: 1730. -111p.
- Yaysmawurk‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1730. - 731p. -Size: 34.5/19.8cm
- Xosrov Anjewac‘i, Meknut‘iwn Aghotic‘ [Commentary on the Prayers of the Office] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1730. - 456p. -Size: 15.5/10.5cm
- Zhoghovacu girk‘ [Miscellany] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1730-1731. - 480p. -Size: 16.6/11cm
- P‘awstos Buzand, Patmut‘iwn hayoc‘ [History of the Armenians] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1730, 396p. - 396p. -Size: 16.2/10.9cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal], Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean (/), 1730. -782p. -Size: 13.5/8.5cm
- Alessandro Jesuitus, Yarac‘oyc‘ tfsmarti apasxaroli [Example of the True Peninent] trans. Petros T‘iflisec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1731. -515p. -Size: 11.7/6.2cm
- The Life of St. Grigory the Illuminator, (Picture), provenance, publication and press unspecified, 1731, October 15. - Size: 57/43cm
- Pinelli, Luca, Girk‘ yorum enjerr zhanberjeloy kene [Book Relating to the Afterlife] (Trattato dell’ altra vita e dello stato delle anime in esa, trans. Yovhannes Nikomedac‘i), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1731. -580p. -Size: 11.7/6.3cm
- Dawit‘ Anjaght‘, Girk‘ sahmanac‘ [Book of Definitions] and Lucmunk‘ sahmanac‘n Dawt‘i [Resolutions of Dawit‘’s Definitions] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1731. -344p. -Size: 12.5/7.3cm
- Hanna Vardapet, Patmut‘iwn Erusaghemi [History of Jerusalim] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1731. -376p. -Size: 14.5/10cm
- Patmut‘iwn pghnje k‘aghak‘in [Tale of the City of Bronze] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1731. -272p. -Size: 12/7cm
- Hmayil [Prayer roll] (provenance and press unspecified), 1731. -Size: 6m 35cm lenght / 7.5cm wide.
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1732. -552p. -Size: 11/6.2cm
- Bouhours, Dominique, Xokumn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Contemplation] (Pensees chretiennes pour tous les jours du mois, trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1732. -179p. -Size: 8/5cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian doctrine] and Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] (first part in Modern Armenian), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1732. -323p. -Size: 12/6cm
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1732. -632p. -Size: 17.3/12.3cm
- Tagharan p‘ok‘rik [Small Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1732. -160p. -Size: 8.3/5.8cm
- Astuacasunc‘ [Bible] Venice: pub. Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, pr. Anton Bortoli, 1733. -1290p. -Size: 24.2/14.2cm
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Neracumn ar k‘ristoneakan katarelut‘iwn [Introduction to Christian Perfection] trans. Mariam K‘arak‘asean, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1733. -381p. -Size: 11.2/6.2cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Tomar [Calendar] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1733. -40p. -Size: 12/7cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1733. -384p. -Size: 11.5/6.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1733. -680p.
- Nalean, Yakob, Vem hawatoy [Rock of Faith] (Modern Armenian) Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1733. -660p. -Size: 16.3/10.8cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1733. -640p. -Size: 13.3/8.4cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakac‘i, 1733. -640p. -Size: 13/7cm
- Ptugh zhrajanut‘ean [Fruit of Labouring in Vain] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1733. -32p.
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘i, Liakatar astuacabanut‘iwn [Complete Theology] (verse) Pt.2, vol.1, Venice: Anton Bortoli, 1734. -551p. -Size: 20/13cm
- Girk‘ arakac‘ Soghomoni [The Proverbs of Soghomon] Venice: (press unspecified), 1734. -94(/) p.
- St. John Chrysostom, Nerbogheank‘ [Panegyrics] trans. Abraham Lramatikos, Constantinople: pr. Grigor Marzvanec‘i, 1734. - [2] 132p. -Size: 15/9cm
- Hanna Vardapet, Patmut‘iwn Erusaghemi [History of Jerusalem] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1734. -374p. -Size: 14.5/10cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Tagharan p‘ok‘rik [Small Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1734. -128p. -Size: 8.5/6cm
- Mxlayim, Georg, Girk` vitfabanut`ean enddem erkabnakac` [Book on Controversy against the Diophysites] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1734. -256p. -Size: 17/12cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Girk‘aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1734. -95p.
- T‘ovma Agulec‘i, Patmut‘iwn T‘avmayi arakeloyn [History of the Apostle Thomas] (verse), Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean/, 1734. -80p. -Size: 13.7/7.8cm
- Vardan Marat‘ac‘i Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1734. -464p. -Size: 9.3/6cm
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1734. -152p. -Size: 9/6cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1734. -720p. -Size: 18.4/13cm
- Tetrak amenasurb Rozari [Booklet on the Most Holy Rosaryl] Venice: (press unspecified), 1735. -48p. -Size: 12.5/7cm
- Ignatios Sewlernc‘i, Meknut‘iwn srboy awetaranin or est Lukasu [Commentary on the Holy Gospel According to Luke] Constantinople:, pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘I, 1735. -452p. -Size: 15.7/11.5cm
- Lazar Jahkec‘i, Draxt c‘ankali [Desirable Paradise] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1735. -703p. -Size: 15.8/10.2cm
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakiac‘I, 1735. -308(/)p. -Size: 12/7cm
- Minas Hamdec‘i, Azgabanutiwn t‘agaworac‘n hayoc‘ [Genealogy of the Armenian Kings] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1735. -178p. -Size: 12/6.7cm
- Arak‘elean, Xachatur Erzrumec‘I, Karcarotagunegh hamarotut‘iwn endhanrakani astuacabanut‘ean [A Brief Abbridgement of the Comprehensive Theology] trans. Mariam K‘arak‘asean, Venice: pr. Antin Bortoli, 1736. -389p. -Size: 16.5/11.5cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, Meknut‘iwn groc‘ Zhoghovoghin [Commentary on the Book of Ecclesastes] Venise: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1736. -453p. -Size: 14.2/8.2cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammar] vol. 1-2, Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘I 1736-1738. -608p. -Size: 12.3/7cm
- Ergec`munk` hogeworakank` [Spiritual Songs] and Girk` Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakac‘i, 1736.
- Grigor Narekac‘I, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakac‘i, 1736. -567p. -Size: 16.3/12.2cm
- Xrat hogekan [Ghostly Counsel] trans. Vakob Dpir, Constantinople: pr. Barsegh and Yakob Sebastac‘i, 1736. -17p. -Size: 15.1/11.2cm
- Xrat hogekan [Ghostly Counsel] (Turkish in Armenian characters), Constantinople: pr. Barsegh and Yakob Sebastac‘i, 1736. -20p.
- Nerses Lambronac‘I, Tesut‘iwn aghotic‘ [The Understanding of Prayer] Constantinople: pr. Barser and Yakob Sebastac‘i, 1736. -160p. -Size: 12.2/7cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Barser and Yakob Sebastac‘i, 1736. -783p. -Size: 13.2/8cm
- Movses Xorenac‘i, Patmut‘iwn [History] (Mosis Chorenensis, Historiae Armeniacae) and Asxarhegrut‘iwn [Geography] Armenian and Latin. - London, pr. William and George Whiston, Caroli Ackers typographi, 1736. - 412p. -438p. -Size: 18.6/13.6cm
- Bonucci, Anton Maria, Patmut‘iwn kenac‘, martirosut‘ean ew sk‘anc‘eleac‘ srboyn Grigori [History of the Life, Martyrdom and Miracles of St. Gregory] (Istoria della vita, e martirio, e miracoli de S. Gregoria arcivescovo e primate dell’ Armenia), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1737. -[16] 223 (=239)p. -Size: 12.5/6.5cm
- Thomas a` Kempis, Yaghags hamahetewmann K‘ristosi (Imitatio Christi), trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1737. -440p. -Size: 11.4/6cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, Meknut‘iwn srboy awetarani or est Matt‘eosi [Commentary on the Holy Gospel According to Matthew], Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1737. -[10] 1022p. -Size: 19/12.2cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1737. -100p.
- Jermerandagunel aghot‘k‘ [Fervent Prayer] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1737. -16p.
- St. Gregory the Illuminator, Yatfaxapatum [Homilies] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1737. -360p. -Size: 15.6/11.6cm
- Lazar Jahkec‘i, Ergaran [Songbook], Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1737. -255p. -Size: 11.8/76cm
- Nalean, Yakob, Kristoneakan Usaneli (Modern Armenian) Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1737. -429p. -Size: 12.4/7.4cm
- Mesrop Yerec‘, Patmutiun Waruc‘ ew Mahwan Yeraneli arn Astuc‘oy Srboyn Mec‘i Nersesi, Constantinople: pr. Abraham Trakac‘i, 1737. -248p. -Size: 12.2/7.4cm
- Girk Woskeghen ew tughtk‘ k‘arc‘ralurk‘, Trans. Gabriel Hamazaspyan Yerevanc‘i. -Venice, pr. Antoni Bortoli, 1738. -494p. -Size: 12.7/7.1cm
- Partez hogewor [Spiritual Garden] (Giardino spirituale), Trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i), -Venice, pr. Antoni Bortoli, 1738. -214p. -Size: 8.5/5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary]. Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1738. -608p. -Size: 12.8/7.8cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1738. - [11] 373p.
- Dprutean Girk ew Tagharan, Constantinople: pr. Abraham Trakac‘i, 1738. -336p. -Size: 12.3/7.8cm
- Tomar [Calendar], Constantinople: pr. Abraham Trakac‘i, 1738. -445p. -Size: 8.7/5.8cm
- Pokrik Gandzaran [Small Treasury], Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsyan, 1739. -244p. -Size: 9.5/6.5cm
- Nor k‘takaran [New Testament], Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1740. -760p. -Size: 13/6.2cm
- Tagharan -Gandzaran [Book of Tagh Songs and Treasury], Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1740. -528p. -Size: 11.4/7cm
- Tomar [Calendar] and Lukas Vanandec‘I, I Zbosans Haykazuneac‘ [For the Diversion of Armenians] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1740. -414p. -Size: 12.2/7.4cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary], Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1740. -465p. -Size: 12.8/7.5cm
- Grigor Tat‘ewac‘I, K‘arozagirk‘ [Sermonary] (Winter Volume), Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakac‘I, 1740. -748p. -Size: 26.2/16.2cm
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Constantinople: pr. Barsegh and Yakob Sebastac‘I, 1740. -390p. -Size: 16/11.2cm
- Aybbenaran ew k‘ristoneakan [Primer of Reading and Christian Faith] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1740. -80p. -Size: 11.9/7.9cm
- Patmut‘iwn kaysern P‘onc‘ianosi [Tale of the Emperor P‘ontianos] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1740. -328p. -Size: 11/7cm
- Rodriguez, Alonsos S.J., Krt‘ut‘iwn katarelut‘ean ew kronaworkani arak‘inut‘ean [Training in Perfection and Religious Virtue] (Exercicio de perfection y virtudes cristianos) in 3 parts; part 1 translated by Petros T‘iflisec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1741. -321p. -Size: 12/6.2cm
- Burastan Aghotic‘ [Anthology of Prayers] trans. Step‘anos Lehac‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1741. -395p. -Size: 8.6/4.8cm
- Xorhrdat‘et‘r [Missal] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1741. -28p. -Size: 26/17cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book], Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘I, 1741. -[1] 95p. -Size: 13/7.5cm
- Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, K‘arozagirk‘ [Sermonary] (Sammer Volume), Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakac‘i, 1741. -740p. -Size: 26.6/16.2cm
- Rodriguez, Alonso, S.J., Krt‘ut‘iwn katarelut‘ ean ew k‘ristoneakan arak‘inut‘ean [Training in Perfection and Christian Virtue] (Exercicio de perfection y virtudes cristianos) in 3 parts; part 2 translated by Petros T‘iflisec‘I, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1742. -248p. -Size: 12/6.2cm
- Rodriguez, Alonso, S.J., Krt‘ut‘iwa katarelut‘ean ew k‘ristoneakan arak‘inut‘ean [Training in Perfection and Religious Virtue] (Exercicio de perfection y virtudes cristianos) in 3 parts; part 3 translated by Petros T‘iflisec‘I, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1742. -220p. -Size: 12/6.2cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1742. -424p. -Size: 9.8/5.2cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1742. -448p. -Size: 8/4.5cm
- Grigor Skewrac‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1742. -192p. -Size: 13/7.5cm
- Saraknoc‘ Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1742. - 832p. -Size: 13.3/8cm
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1742-1743. -724p. -Size: 17.8/12.2cm
- Lazar Jahkec‘I, Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakac‘I, 1742-1744. -270p. -Size: 12/7.5cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Krt‘ut‘iwn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Education] (Turkish in Armenian characters), Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1742. -192p. -Size: 13/7.5cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1743. -560p. -Size: 20.9/14cm
- Sargis Snorhali, Girk‘ meknut‘ean eot‘n t‘ght‘oc‘n kat‘ughikeic‘ [Commentary on the Seven Catholic Epistles] and Karapet Gric., Hamarotut‘iwn grk‘oys snorhalwoyn Sargsi [Abbreviation of the Book by Sargis Snorhali] Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakac‘I, 1743. - [14] 870p. -Size: 18.6/13.4cm
- Giovanni Bona, Skzbunk‘ ew usuc‘munk‘ keni k‘ristoneakani [Principles and Teachings of the Christian Life] (trans. T‘eodoros kronawor), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1744. -358p. -Size: 9/4.7cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1744. - [1]599p. -Size: 14.5/8.5cm
- Lazar Jahkec‘i, Ergaran [Songbook] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1744. -[10] 229p. -Size: 11.7/7cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: 1744.
- Sargis Snorhali, Girk‘ meknut‘ean eot‘n t‘ght‘oc‘n kat‘ughikeic‘ [Commentary on the Seven Catholic Epistles] Constantinople: pr. Abrahan T‘rakac‘i, 1744. -[14] 870p. -Size: 18.6/13.4cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1745. -384p.
- Nalean, Yakob, Girk` meknut‘ean aghotic‘ srboyn Grigori Narekac‘woy [Commentary on the Prayers of St. Grigor Narekac‘I] vols. 1-2, Constantinople: pr. Gabriel Sebastac‘i Barseghean, 1745. - 1136p. -Size: 24/14.8cm
- Erkir aweteac‘ [The Promised Land] (map), Venice: 1746. -Size: 37.9/48cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Yisus ordi [Jesus the Son] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1746-1747. - 432p. -Size: 13/7.8cm
- Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, Oskep‘orik [Pot-pourri] (theological and confessionaal) Constantinople: pr. Abraham T‘rakec‘i, 1746. - 592p. -Size: 12.6/8.2cm
- Nalean, Yakob, Hogesah [Spiritual Profit] (versification of St. John Chrysostom’s Counsels), Constantinople: pr. Chnchin Yovhannes, 1746. - 76p. -Size: 14.4/9.5cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Visus ordi [Jesus the Son] and Grigor Magistros, Taghasac‘ut‘iwn [Poems] Constantinople: pr. Tshntshin Yovhannes, 1746. - 484p. -Size: 12.5/7.8cm
- Zhoghovacu girk‘ [Miscellany] and Anania Sanahnec‘I, Nerboghean [Panegyric] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1747. - 492p. -Size: 16.4/11.1cm
- Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1747. - 224p. -Size: 8.1/6.1cm
- Nalean, Yakob, k‘ristoneakan ousaneli [Christian Instructional Manual] (Modern Armenian), Constantinople: pr. Sargis and Mik‘ayel Sebastac‘i, 1747. - 429p. -Size: 12.4/7.6cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Girk` Aghotic‘ [Book of Prayers] Constantinople: 1747. -128p.
- Akn hogwoy [Eye of the Soul] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1748. -[17] 46 (=63)p.
- Ephimeride, Matt‘eos Vanandec‘i Yovhannisean and Lukas Vanandec‘i Nurijanean, Hamajaynut‘iwn hngetesak amsoc‘ [Concordance of Five Calculations of Months], Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Tomar kartfarot [Abridged Calendar], Thomas Aquines, Vasn naxasahmanut‘ean [On Predestination] Venis: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1748. - 216p. -Size: 11/6cm
- Abelli, Louis (Bishop of Rhodes), Ughgh ew cuc astuacabanut‘ean [The Basic Elements and Foundatians of Theology] (Abrege de theologie: trans. Petros T‘iflisec‘i), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1748. - 838p. -Size: 12.4/7cm
- Kanonk‘ ew neroghut‘iwnk‘ [Canons and indulgences] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1748. -29p.
- Yovsep‘ Kronawor, K‘ahanay hambakagoyn [The Novice Priest] trans. At‘anas Merasean, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1748. - [7] 126 (=133)p. -Size: 11.1/6.9cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] and Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, Tomar kartfarot [Abbridged Calendar] Venice: pr. Anton Bortali, 1748. - 420p. -Size: 10.8/6cm
- St. Francis de Sales, Neracumn ar jermeramd keann [Introduction to the Devout Life] (Introduction a` la vie devote, trans. Lukas Xarberdc‘i), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1748. - 447p. -Size: 14/8cm
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1748. - 40p. -Size: 20.7/14.5cm
- The Life of St. Grigory the Illuminator, (Picture), provenance, publication and press unspecified, 1749. - Size: 67/50cm
- Matt‘eos Ewdokac‘I, Vark‘ srboyn Grigori Lusawortshin [Life of St. Gregory the Illuminator] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1749. -328[12]p. (=340)p. -Size: 14.5/7.8cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Bargirk‘ haykazean lezui [Dictionery of the Armenian Language] 2 vols.; vol. 1, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1749. -328[12]p. - [22] 1251 (=1273)p. -Size: 20.8/12.8cm
- Varzhumn ktakagrut‘ean [Training in Proper Conduct in Preparation for the Future Life] translated by Gabriel Yerewanc‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1749. -328[12]p. - 244p. -Size: 11.7/7.1cm
- Dunelli, Francesco, S.J., Astuacabanakan meknut‘iwn kat‘ughkeay groc` eranelwoyn Vakobu Arak‘eloyn [Theological Commentary on the Catholic Epistle of the Blessed Apostle James] and zhamanakagrut‘iwn srbazan surb groc [Chronicle of Holy Scripture] translated by At‘anas Merasean, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1749. - [6] 406, 47 (=459)p. -Size: 16.3/11.5cm
- Hamatarac asxarhac‘oyc‘ [Wolde Mep] (two hemispheres), Venice, 1749. -Size: 23.5/39cm
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1749-1750. - 812p. -Size: 17/12cm
- Athanasius of Alexandria, Girk‘ patasxan [Book of Response] Constantinaple: pr. Tshntshin Yovhannes (date of publication unspecified; 1749/). - 2, 4, 6, 5-196 (=204)p. -Size: 12.5/7.8cm
- Arsen Dpir, Girk‘ sahmanac‘ [Book of Definitions] and Bararan [Dictionary] Constantinaple: pr. Tshntshin Yovhannes, 1749. - 528p. -Size: 16/11.5cm
- Patmut‘iwn pghnji k‘aghak‘in [Tale of the City of Copper] Constantinaple: pr. Tshntshin Yovhannes, 1749. - 224p. -Size: 12.2/7.6cm
- Nerses Lambronac‘i, Girk‘ siroy ew xaghaghut‘ean [Book of Love and Peace] Constantinaple/: (press unspecified), 1749-1750. - 160p. -Size: 11.2/7cm
- Mxlayim, Georg, Vkayut‘iwnk‘ hayrapetac‘ yaghags mioy bnut‘eann K‘ristosi [The Hierarchs’ Testimonies Concerning Christ‘s one Nature] (date, provenance and press unspecified) 1749-1750/. - 118p. -Size: 11/6.5cm
- Merasean, At‘anas, Car kenas’ [Tree of Life] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1750. - 24, 190 (=214)p. -Size: 9.5/5.5cm
- Carlo Risoli, Tfsmartut‘iwn yawitenakan [Eternal Truth] (trans. Petrol T‘iflisec‘i), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1750. - 10, 520 (=530)p. -Size: 13.5/8cm
- Gorus, Joannes, de Sancto Geniniano, Girk‘ Orinakac‘ ew nmanut‘eanc‘ [Book of Examples and Illustrations] (trans. Lukas Xarberdc‘i).- Venice: pr. Anton Bortli, 1750. - 2, XX, 1093 (=1115)p. -Size: 19.4/12.4cm
- Goudin, Antonius, P‘ilosop‘ayut‘iwn [Philosophy] (Cursus philosophiae secondum viam Thomae. trans. Vrt‘anes Askerean), in 4 vols.: vol. 1, Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1750. - 562p. - Size: 12.5/6.3cm
- Goudin, Antonius, P‘ilosop‘ayut‘iwn [Philosophy] (Cursus philosophiae secondum viam Thomae, Trans. Vrt‘anes Askerean), in 4 vols.: vol. 2, Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1750. - 591p. - Size: 12.5/6.8cm
- Goudin, Antonius, P‘ilosop‘ayut‘iwn [Philosophy] (Cursus philosophiae secondum viam Thomae. trans. Vrt‘anes Askerean), in 4 vols.: vol. 3, Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1750. - 686p. - Size: 12.6/6.4cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] and Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] Venice: pr. Stephano Orlamdo, 1750. - 282p. - Size: 11.6/5cm
- Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio, Ksir Zhamanaki [The Balance of Time] (De la diferencia entre lo temporal y eterno, trans. Zak‘aria Aknec‘i), Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1750. - 552p. - Size: 11.5/5.8cm
- Evagrius, Girk‘ ut‘n xorhrdoc‘ meghac‘ [Book on the Eight Thoughts of Sin]. -Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1750. - 192p. - Size: 12.7/7.5cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Sahawet [Profitable Book] (On Christian Virtues) Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1750. - 96p. - Size: 12.8/7.5cm
- Mxlayim, Georg, Tfsmarit nsanakut‘iwn kat‘ughikut‘ean [The True Meaning of Catholicity] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean/, 1750. - 272p. - Size: 11.1/6.7cm
- Aristotel, Girk‘ pattfarac‘ [Book of Causes] (De causis; trans. Step‘anos Lehac‘i), Constantinople: pr. Gabriel Sebastac‘I Barseghean, 1750. - 78p. - Size: 11.1/6.7cm
- K‘ristoneakan [Christianity] (provenance and press unspecified), 1750. -28p.
1750 - 1775
[խմբագրել]- Goudin, Antonius, P‘ilosop‘ayut‘iwn [Philosophy] (Cursus philossphiae secundum viam Thomae, Trans. Vrt‘anes Askerean), in 4 vols.; vol. 4, Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1751. - 627p. - Size: 12.5/6.3cm
- Kghemes Enkkiwrii episkoposun patmut‘iwne [The History of Clement, bishop of Ancyra] (Turkish in Armenian characters), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1751. - 60p. - Size: 10.6/6.2cm
- Nor k‘takaran [New Testament] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1751. - 526p. - Size: 11.5/7cm
- Patmut‘iwn varuc‘ Yovhannu oskeberani [History of the Life of St. John Chrysoostom] translated by Grigor Vakayaser, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1751. - 330p. - Size: 12.6/7cm
- Segneri, Paolo, Krt‘ut‘iwn apasxaroghi [Education of the Penitent] (Instructio poenitentis; trans. Sargis Sarafean), Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1751. - XXVIII, 240 (=268)p. - Size: 10.7/6cm
- Asxarhac‘oyc‘ hayastaneayc‘ est him ew nor asxarhagrac‘ [Mao of Armenia according to ancient and recent geographers] Venice: 1751. - Size: 37.5/51cm
- Ergaran [Songbook] Constantinaple: pr. Tshntshin Yovhannes, 1751. -160p.
- Tagharan p‘ok‘rik ew hamarot yorum parunakin ergk‘ hogework‘ [Small, brief Book Containing Spiritual Tagh Songs] Constantinaple: pr. Tshntshin Yovhannes, 1751.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinaple: 1751/ - 377, 5 (=382)p.
- Ephimerides, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1752. - XXL, 456 (=477)p. - Size: 12/6cm
- Martinus [Missal] (trans. German T‘eodoros Arak‘elean) Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1752. -240p.
- Movses Xorenac‘i, Patmut‘iwn hayoc‘ [History of the Armenians] and Asxarhagrut‘iwn [Geography] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1752. - XII, 424, 92 (=528)p. - Size: 11.2/6cm
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1752. - 407p. - Size: 13/7cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1752. - 400(/)p. - Size: 9.8/5cm
- Nor k‘takaran [New Testament] Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1752. - 919p. - Size: 13.5/8.5cm
- Partez hogewor [Spiritual Garden] (Giadino spirituale. trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i) Venice: pr. Stephano Orlando, 1752. - 321, 22 (=343)p. - Size: 10/5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviery] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1752. -608p.
- Dzernadrut‘ean girk‘ [Ordination manual] and Grigor Tat‘ewac‘i, Girk‘ gawazan taloy asakertac‘n [Book on bestowing the staff on pupils] and kanon cayragoyn isxanut‘iwn taloy vardapetac‘n [Rite for bestowing the highest authority on vardapets] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1752. - 159, 272 (=431)p. - Size: 12.7/7.3cm
- Petros Abeghay, Grguk eramasneay [Tripartite Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1752. - 172p. - Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Kesarean, Manuel Srmak‘es, Ergaran [Songbook] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1752. - 157, 3 (=160)p. - Size: 7.5/5cm
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1752. - 448p. - Size: 9.5/6.5cm
- Poghos Taronac‘i, Tught‘ enddem T‘eop‘isteay [Letter against Theopistes] Constantinaple: pr. Tshntshin Yovhannes, 1752. - 358p. - Size: 15/9.5cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: 1752.
- Paghtasar Dpir, Orinakk‘ barewagrac‘ [Examples of Letters of Greeting] Constantinople: 1752. - 160p. - Size: 13/8cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Xokumn varuc‘ [Consideration of Life] Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1753. - 43p. - Size: 9.2/5cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i Dzayn k‘ristosi ew hawatac‘eal hogwogn [The Voice of Christ and the Believing Soul] Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1753. - 139p. - Size: 9.2/5cm
- Givanni Jesuitus, Dzhoxk‘ bac‘eal [Hell Opened] (translated from Italian by Petros Tiflisec‘i) Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1753. - 260p. - Size: 9.2/5cm
- Tetrak amenasurb Rozari [Booklet on the most Holy Rosary] Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1753.
- Paghtasar Dpir, C‘ank girk‘ nor ktakaranin [List of Books in the New Testament] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1753. - 176p. - Size: 17/12.5cm
- Mtacakan aghot‘k‘ k‘it‘ape [Book of Meditative Prayer] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1754. -282p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1754. - 480p. - Size: 20/14.5cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] and Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, Tomar [Calendar] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1755. - 384, 40 (=424)p. - Size: 11.5/6cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1755. - 456p. - Size: 8/5cm
- Grigor Narekac‘I, Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes stuacaturean, 1755. - 576p. - Size: 16.8/11.2cm
- Kesarean, Manuel Srmakes, Lucic‘ tarakusanac‘ [Resolution of Doubts] Constantinople: pr. Barsel Sebastac‘I, 1755. - 160p. - Size: 9.5/6cm
- [Pope] Benedick XIV, T‘ught‘ hanrakan [Encyclical Letter] Rom: (press unspecified), 1755/ - 104p. - Size: 14/9cm
- Nalean, Yakob, Tshrag Tfsmartut‘ean [Torch of Truch] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1756. - 368p. - Size: 13.2/7.4cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1756. - 14, 416 (=430)p. - Size: 12.3/7.2cm
- Tomar [Calendar] and Lukas Vanandec‘I, Zbosans haykazuneac‘ [For the Diversion of Armenians] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1756. - 352, 62, 3 (=417)p. - Size: 12.4/7.4cm
- Orbelean, Stepannos, Hakatsharut‘iwn enddem erkabnakac‘ [Refutation of the Diophysites] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1756. - 189p. - Size: 7.3/12.7cm
- St. James of Nisibis, Tfark‘ [Hamilies] Title Page: A OPERA/ SANCTI JAKOBI/ EPISCOPI NISIBENI./ (Armenian and Latin), Rome: typis Sac. Congreg. De Propaganda Fide, 1756. - 12, XLVI, 2, 488 (=548)p. - Size: 20/16cm
- Poghosean, Arak‘el, Nor Jurayec‘I, Canuc‘umn ar hamamit ew banaser srbazanic‘ har‘d ew eghbarc‘d hamaynic‘ [Announcement to all likeminded and philological reverend Fathers and Brothers] (verse), Amsterdam, pr. Quthor, 1756. -Only one page.
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos G‘amc‘ean, Venice: 1757.
- Nalean, Yakob, Zon hogewor [Spiritual Armour] part 1 (Modern Armenian), Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1757. - 192, 424 (=616)p. - Size: 16.3/11.7cm
- Martiri del glorioso S. Clemente arcivescovo d‘Ancira, (picture), Rome: press unspecified, 1757/. -Size: 44.5/35cm
- Patmut‘iwn pghnji k‘aghak‘in [Tale of the City of Copper] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1757. - 224p. - Size: 12.3/7.5cm
- Nerses Lambronac‘I, Vitfbanut‘win end joyns [Controversy with the Greeks] (provenance and press unspecified), 1757. - 16p. - Size: 13/7.8cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1758. -36p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1758. - 377, 7 (=384)p. - Size: 13.9/7.1cm
- Tagharan vayeluj ew geghec‘ik [Book of Attractive and Beautiful Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Martiros Sargsean, 1758.
- Nalean, Yakob, Ganjaran Canuc‘manc‘ [Treasury of information] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1758. - 8, 504, 336 (=848)p. - Size: 17/11.7cm
- K‘arak‘asean sisters, donation form, Venice: press unspecified, 1758. -1p. -Size: 5.5/2.5cm
- Awetaran [Gospel-book] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1759. - 552p. - Size: 11/6cm
- Matt‘eos Ewdokac‘i, Mtacut‘iwnk‘ I veray tshartsharanac‘ K‘ristosi [Medatations on Christ‘s Passion] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1759. - 320p. - Size: 9/5.3cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, Harc‘umn ew patasxani zk‘erakanut‘ene ew zmasanc‘ norin [Question and Answer on Grammar and Its Parts] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1759. - 111p. - Size: 8.5/5.5cm
- Ananean, Mkrtic‘, Kostandnupolsec‘i, Aghot‘amatoyc‘ srboyn Yovsep‘ay [Prayerbook on St. Joseph] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1759. - 299p. - Size: 9.8/5cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1759. - 456p. - Size: 7.9/4.6cm
- Entanekan patasxank‘ enddem kroni [Family Answers Against Religion] Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1759.
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1759.
- Meknut‘iwn zhamakargut‘ean [Commentary on the Breviary] Smyrna: pr. Mahtesi Markos, 1759. - 10, 67, 2 (=79)p. - Size: 12/6.5cm
- Arhest p‘rkut‘ean [The Art of Salvation] translated by Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1760. - 101p. - Size: 8.5/5.5cm
- Bona, Glovanni (Gard.), Kerakur k‘ahanayic‘ [Priests‘ Food] translated by Astuacatur Jughayec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1759. - XIV, 147 (=161)p. - Size: 8.5/5.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1760. -48p.
- Nalean, Yakob, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1760. - 192p. - Size: 13.3/7.4cm
- Yakob Samaxec‘I, Hac‘ negheloc‘ [The Bread of the Afflicted] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1760. - 512p. - Size: 13.3/7.3cm
- St. Cyril of Alexandria, Tfark‘ [Homily] and St. John Chrysostom. Aghot‘k‘ ew tfark‘ [Prayers and Homilies] Constantinople: (press unspecified) , 1760. - 104p. - Size: 13.3/7.5cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammar] (Modern Armenian), Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1760. - 176p. - Size: 13/7.7cm
- Tarekan Orac‘oyc‘ [Yearly Calendar] Constantinople: 1760.
- Tomar [Calendar] (provenance and press unspecified), 1760. - 20, 104 (=124)p. - Size: 12.2/7.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1761.- 48p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1761. - 608p. - Size: 13/8cm
- Xorhrdatetr [Smyrna]: pr. Mahtesi Markos, 1761-1762. - 4 (=40)p. - Size: 23.5/15.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1762. -47p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1762. -608p.
- Eznik Koghbac‘i, Girk‘ enddimut‘ eanc‘ [Book of Refutations] Smyrna: pr. Mahtesi Markos, 1762-1763. - 12, 293 (=305)p. - Size: 12/7.3cm
- Grigor Narekac‘I, Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1763. - 311p. - Size: 12/6.7cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1763. -47p.
- Grigor Narekac‘I, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Venice: pr. Stefano Orlando, 1763. - 640p. - Size: 16.7/11.9cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice, pr. Francesko Stepanean, 1764. -48p.
- Eghise, Patmut‘iwn vardananc‘ [History of Vardan and His Companions] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1764. - 8, 220 (=228)p. - Size: 15.7/11.7cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1765. -46p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1765.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Venice: pr. Anotn Bortoli, 1766. - 396, 18 (=414)p. - Size: 10/5.2cm
- Nor ktakaran [New Testament] Venice: pr. Anotn Bortoli, 1766. - 896p. - Size: 12.7/6.4cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1766. -46p
- Patmut‘iwn kusin Mariane [History of the Virgin Mariane] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Yakob, 1766. -128p. - Size: 7.2/5.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1767. -46p.
- Hanna Vardapet, Patmut‘iwn Erusaghemi [History of Jerusalem] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1767-1768. - 396p.- Size: 14/10cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Yakob, 1767. - 112p.- Size: 13/7cm
- K‘ristoneakan [Christian Faith] Constantinople: 1767. -32p.
- Zhamagirk‘ srbuhwoyn kusin Mariamu [Breviary devoted to the Holy Virgin Mary] and zhamamatoyc‘ Yaghags srboyn Lusawortshin [Breviary devoted to St. Gregogy the Illuminator] Venice: pr. Anotn Bortoli, 1768. - XXIV, 296, 64 (=324)p.- Size: 10/5.3cm
- Bellarmino, Roberto, (Card.), Hamarot k‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine in Brief] (trans. into Armenian and Turkish At‘anas Merasean), Venice: pr.Anotn Bortoli, 1768. - 80p.- Size: 11.5/7.2cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1768. - [4]42p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1768. - 601, 7 (=608)p.- Size: 12.8/8cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Yakob, 1768. - 701p.- Size: 14/7.8cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Tagharan p‘ok‘rik [Small Book of Tagh Songs] Tagharan siroy ew karotanak‘ [Book of Tagh Songs of Love and Yearning] and Tagharanik p‘ok‘rik [Small Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Yakob, 1768. - 128, 136, 112 (=376)p.- Size: 8.2/5.5cm
- Bargirk‘ haykazean lezui [Dictionary of the Armenian Languagel] in 2 vols., vol.2, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1967. - 18, 264, 372, 416, 700 (=1770)p.- Size: 20.8/12.8cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1769. -[4] 42p.
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Yakob, 1769. - 463p.- Size: 17.5/12cm
- Caghkoc‘ik [Anthology] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Yakob, 1769. -136p. - Size: 13.2/7.2cm
- St. James of Nisibis, Tfark‘ [Homilies] (Armenian and Latin), Venice: pr. Giovanni Battista Albrizzi, 1769.
- Akn hogwoyn [The Eye of the Soul] and Hamaoot krt‘ut‘iwn hanapazoreay [Everyday Edocation in Brief] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1770. -72, 23 (=95)p. - Size: 9/5cm
- Alek‘sanean, Zak‘aria, k‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1770. -46p. - Size: 11/6.7cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammer] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1770. -584p. - Size: 17/11cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1770. -456p. - Size: 8/4.7cm
- Vark‘ eranelwoyn srboy Yohanisin Astucoy [Life of the Blessed St. John of God] translated by Yovhan T‘oxat‘ec‘i, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1770.
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1770. -[4] 42p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1770. -377, 7 (=384)p. - Size: 13/7.8cm
- Bouhours, Dominique, Xokmunk‘ k‘ristoneakank‘ [Christian Meditations] (Pensees chretiennes pour tous les jours du mois, trans. Vrt‘anes Askerean, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1771. -176p. - Size: 9.8/6cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, Tomar [Calendar] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1771. -40p. - Size: 9.8/6.7cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] (Modern Armenian) and Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1771. -120, 203 (=323)p. - Size: 11.6/6cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1771. -384p. - Size: 9.8/6.8cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1771. -46p.
- Paghtasar Dpir, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammar] vols. 1-2, Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1771. -608p. - Size: 13/7.3cm
- Gorck‘ arak‘eloc‘ [Acts of Apostles] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1771. -4, 656 (=660)p. - Size: 13/8cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Ejmiacin, St. Gregory the illuminator Press, 1771.
- Ephimerides, Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1772. -456p. - Size: 11.6/6.2cm
- Girk‘ hrasic‘ [Book of Miracles] trans. Zak‘aria Alek‘sanean, Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1772. -638p. - Size: 14.5/8cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, K‘rk‘ut‘iwn Aghotic‘ [Training in Prayer] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1772. -14, 352 (=366)p. - Size: 12.3/7.4cm
- Partez hogewor [Spiritual Garden] (Giardino spirituale; trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i), Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1772. -323, 23 (=346)p. - Size: 9.4/5.2cm
- Peter of Aragon, Girk‘ arak‘inut‘eanc‘ [Book of Virtues] (De virtutibus liber, trans. Yakob K‘rnec‘i), Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1772. -8, 723, 3 (=734)p. - Size: 17.5/12cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1772. -46p.
- Petros Lap‘anc‘i, Ergaran [Songbook] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1772. -172p. - Size: 16/11cm
- Aybbenaran ew k‘ristoneakan [Primer on Reading and Christian Faith] Constantinople: pr. Stewp‘anos Petrosean, 1772. -68p. - Size: 11/6cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1772. -600, 8 (=608)p. - Size: 14/8cm
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Zbosaran hogewor [Spiritual Diversion] Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the Illuminator Press, 1772. -184p. - Size: 7.5/5.2cm
- The first book published in Armenia.
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the illuminator Press, 1772.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] Madras: pr. Yakob Sahamirean, 1772.
- Baghramean, Movses, Yordorak [Exhortation] Madras: pr. Yakob Sahamirean, 1772-1773. -240p. - Size: 13.5cm
- Peter of Aragon, Girk‘ Molut‘eanc‘ [Book of Vices] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1773. -6, 522, 3 (=531)p. - Size: 17.6/12.3cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1773. -46p.
- Sahamirean, Yakob, Orogayt‘ p‘arac‘ [The Snare of Glory] Madras: pr. Yakob Sahamirean, 1773. -339p. - Size: 13.8/8.4cm
- Merasean, At‘anas, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammar] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1774. -303p. - Size: 11.8/7.6cm
- Aghot‘k‘ Yuskan [Aghot‘k‘ srboy hayrapetin meroy Yuskan] [Prayer of our Holy Hierarch Yusik], Trieste: Mxitarist Press, 1774. -1p. -Size: 26/13.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1774. -46p
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1774. -18, 2, 396 (=416)p. - Size: 16/10.7cm
- Grigor Narekac‘i, vol.2 Nerboghinac‘ tfaric‘ [Panegyrics and Homilies] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1774. -240, 7 (=247)p. - Size: 17/12.2cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] vols. 1-2, Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the illuminator‘s Press, 1774-1775. -564p. - Size: 12.3/7cm
- Matt‘eos Ewdokac‘i, Xorhurd astuacapastut‘ean [The Mystery of Divine Worship] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1775. -172p. - Size: 22/15cm
- Matteos Ewdokac‘i, Hiwseak barebanut‘eanc‘ srboy astuacacnin [Garland of Eulogies to the Holy Mother of God] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1775. -134p. - Size: 12.8/7.4cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1775. -100p. - Size: 11.4/7.2cm
- Step‘anos Agonc‘, Tfartasanut‘iwn [Rhetoric] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1775. -[10] 595p. - Size: 11.4/7.2cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1775. -47p. - Size: 10/5.6cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: 1775.
- Hangamank‘ uxteloy zchors ekeghec‘is Hrovmay [Mode of Devoting Rome‘s Four Churches] Rome: Sac. Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1775. -36p. - Size: 13/6cm
- Mesrop Erec‘, Patmut‘iwn mnac‘ordac‘ hayoc‘ ew vrac‘ [History of the Armenian and Georgian Chronicles] Madras: pr. Yakob #Sahamirean, 1775-1776. -148p. -Size: 15.7/10.8cm
- Pastonaser‘hpatakk‘ Mxit‘areank‘ [Devout Mxitarist subjects] (speach), Trieste: Mxitarist Press, 1775. -1p. -Size: 12.8/36cm
1775 - 1800
[խմբագրել]- Nor K‘takaran [New Testament] Venice, pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1776. -877p. - Size: 13.5/8.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1776. -47p. - Size: 10/5.6cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes Astuacaturean, 1776. -377, 7 (=384)p. - Size: 13.2/7.6cm
- Tetrak tonac‘oyc‘i [Sunaxary and Calendar] compiled by Matt‘eos Dpir Palatec‘I, Constantinople: Barsegh Sebastac‘I, 1776.
- Aybbenaran [Primer] (partly Modern Armenian), Trieste, Mxitarist Press, 1776. -31p.
- Yordorak ar pastonasirut‘iwn srboy astucacni [Exhortation to Devotion to the Holy Mother of God] Trieste: Mxitarist Press, 1776. -[6]282p. -Size: 11.8/7cm
- Yorborak ar pastasirut‘iwn srboy astucacni [Exhortation to Devotion to the Holy Mother of God] Trieste: Mxitarist Press, 1776. -[8] 3-73 (=79)p. - Size: 21.5/14cm
- Nerses Lambronac‘I, Aghot‘k‘ [Prayers] Trieste: Mxitarist Press, 1776. - 1p. only.
- K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] (Modern Armenian), Trieste: Mxitarist Press, 1776. -48p. - Size: 12/7.3cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1777. - 16, 404 (420)p. -Size: 10/5.3cm
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal], Rome: 1777. - 35p.
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Rome: 1777.
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Yakobos Chamchean, Venice: 1777.
- Tetrak tonac‘oyc‘i [Sunaxary and Calendar] Compiled by Matt‘eos Dpir Palatec‘I, Constantinople: Barsegh Sebastac‘I, 1777.
- Paghtasar Dpir, Krt‘ut‘iwn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Education] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Constantinople/: 1777. -192p. - Size: 12.8/6.8cm
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal], Rome: press unspecified, 1777. -35p. - Size: 25.8/15.4cm
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Rome: 1777. - 15, 738, 44 (=797)p. -Size: 25.8/15.4cm
- Karg t‘aghman kargaworac‘ [Rite for the Funeral of Clergy] Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the Illuminator Press, 1777. -160p. - Size: 15/10cm
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Tagharan p‘ok‘rik [Small Book of Tagh Songs] Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the Illuminator Press, 1777. -40p. - Size: 8/5cm
- Handisaran hogewor ergk‘ ew maght‘ank‘ [Collection of Spiritual Songs and Prayers] Trieste: Mxitarist Press, 1777.
- Asxarhac‘oyc‘ hayastaneayc‘ [Geography of Armenia] (map), 1778. -Size: 82/82cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Suk‘ias Aghamalean, Venice: 1778. -3, 57p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1778. -384p. - Size: 12.2/7.3cm
- Tetrak tonac‘uc‘i [Synaxary and Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1778.
- Tetrak tonac‘uc‘i [Synaxary and Calendar] complied by Matt‘eos Dpir Palatec‘i, Constantinople: 1778.
- Tonac‘oyc‘ tarekan [Annual Synaxary] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1778. -57, 16, 1 (=74)p. - Size: 15.7/9.3cm
- Pinelli, Luca, S.J., Xratk‘ Yaghags kronaworakan katarelut‘ean [Advice on Religious Perfection] (Gersone della perfettione religiosa, e dell’ obligo che ciasun religioso he di acquitarla: trans. Vrt‘anes Askerean), Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1779. -440p. - Size: 14.7/8.1cm
- C‘amc‘ean, Mik‘ayel, K‘erakanut‘iwn haykazean lezui [Armenian Grammar] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1779. -610p. - Size: 15.5/9.2cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Suk‘ias Aghamalean, Venice: 1779. -51p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i, 1779. - 384p.
- Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Girk‘ aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1779. -108p. - Size: 12.8/7.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1779. -608p. - Size: 12.8/7.5cm
- K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] (Modern Armenian), Venice: pr. Demetrios Theodosiou, 1779. -46p.
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Partavtshar [Obligations] Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the Illuminator Press, 1779-1783. -383p. -Size: 13.4/7.3cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Suk‘ias Aghamalean, Venice: 1780. -[5] 47p.
- Kesarean, Manuel Srmak‘es, Gawazan krknazor [The Staff of Double Strength] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1780. -136p. -Size: 13/7cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1780. -444p. -Size: 11/6.5cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1780. -400p.
- Nerses Snorhali, Nerbogh srboy hrestakapetac‘ [Panegyric on the Holy Archangels] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1780. -79p. -Size: 10.9/7.4cm
- Manuel Srmak‘es Kesarean, Aknoc‘ achac‘ srti [Spectacles for the eyes of the heart] (Modern Armenian), (press unspecified), 1780. -48p. -Size: 13/7.3cm
- Confessio ecclesiae, latine reddita et necessariis notis illustrata ab J.J. Schrodero and Preces domini Niersesis… latine, gallice et anglice reddita, London: pub. Grigor Xaldereanc‘, pr. J. Rivington, 1780. -76p. -Size: 13/9.7cm
- Hanway, Jonas, Patmut‘iwn varuc‘ew gorcoc‘ Nader sah t‘agaworin parsic‘ [Account of the life and work of Nadie sah, King of Persia] (translated from English by Poghos Mirzayean Amit‘ec‘i) Madras: pr. Yakob Sahamirian, 1780-1783. -184p. -Size: 22/15.5cm
- P‘ark‘ Mariamu morn Astucoy ew surb Yovsep‘ay [Glory to Mary, Mother of God and St. Joseph] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1780. -14, 3-73 (=85)p. -Size: 21.4/14cm
- Merasean, At‘anas, Car kenas’ [Tree of Life] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1781. -213p. -Size: 9.4/6.2cm
- Aghot‘amatoyc‘ [Prayer Book] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1781. -214p. -Size: 10.9/5.9cm
- Aghamaleanc‘, Suk‘ias, T‘uabanut‘iwn [Arithmetic] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1781. -16, 511 (=527)p. -Size: 16.8/9.5cm
- Tetrak amenasurb Rozarin, aysink‘n vardarani [Booklet on the Most Holy Rosary] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1781. -72p.
- Dorn, Xaverius, K‘arozk‘ Hamarotk‘ [Brief sermons] translated by Vrt‘anes Askerean, vol. 1, Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1781. -872p. -Size: 16.6/9.4cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: 1781. -48p.
- Tarec‘oyc‘ [Yearly Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1781. -60p.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1781. -608p. -Size: 15.5/11cm
- Paghatank‘ ar miacin ordin Astocoy [Entreaty to the Only-begotten Son of God] London: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1781. -1 page. -Size: 18/11.5cm
- Pope Pius VI, Tshar ar kardinals [Homily to the Cardinals] Rome: pr. Sac. Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1781. - [2] 11p. -Size: 20.5/12.4cm
- Catherine 1, Namak snorhac‘ [Letter of Favour] Madras: pr. Yakob Sahamirean, 1781.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] (Modern Armenian), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1781. -71p.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] St. Peteraburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1781. -32p. -Size: 10/6.5cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1782.
- Askerean, Vrt‘anes, Mstnjenawor parzatomar [Perpetual calendar-based Manual] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1782. -136 page. -Size: 18.6/12.5cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Venice: pr. Demetrios T‘eodosio, 1782. -320 page. -Size: 9.4/5.8cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: 1782. -48p.
- Krt‘ut‘iwn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Education] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean/, 1782. -26p.
- Kesarean, Srmak‘es Kesarean, Akn lusatu [Illuminating eye] (Turkish in Armenian Letters), Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1782. -264 page. -Size: 13.2/7cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1782. -[6] 450 page. -Size: 12.5/6.8cm
- Grigor Narekac‘I, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1782. -640 page. -Size: 16/11.5cm
- Hanna Vardapet, Patmut iwn Erusaghemi [History of Jerusalem] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1782. -355 page. -Size: 16.5/10cm
- Krt‘ut‘iwn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Education] St. Peteraburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1782. -24 page. -Size: 10/6.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: 1783. -48p.
- St. Ignatius the Godbering, Tught‘k‘ [Epistles] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1783. -159 page. -Size: 13/8cm
- Alek‘sandr Jughayec‘i, Atenakan vitshabanaut‘iwn [Public Controversy] and Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1783. -120, 31 (=151) p. -Size: 13.4/8.1cm
- Krt‘ut‘iwn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Education] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1783. -24p. -Size: 12.8/8cm
- Kesarean, Srmak‘es Kesarean, Himn stugut‘ean [Foundation of Certainty] (Modern Armenian), Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1783. -136, 72, 144 (=352) page. -Size: 13/8cm
- Tetrak or kochi nsawak [Booklet Called Target] Madras: pr. Yakob Sahamirean, 1783-1784. -80page. -Size: 16.3/10.5cm
- Eyi eoliwme hazer olmak‘lelen meskal olmase ichin (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1783. -82p. -Size: 9.2/4.7cm
- Le Comte, Louis Daniel, S.J., T‘ught‘k‘ zchinac‘ [Letters about the Chinese] trans. Margar Sahrimaneanc‘, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1783. -382 page. -Size: 12/7cm
- Mtackan aghot‘k‘ k‘it‘ape [Book of Meditative Prayer] (Turkish in Armenian Characters) Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1783. -320 page. -Size: 13/8.5cm
- Giovanni Cazaean, Xratk‘ barwok‘ k‘aghak‘avarut‘ean [Advice on the Good Life] translated from Italian by Nikolayos Buzayan, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1783. -96p.
- Giovanni Jesuitus, Cihennem achelme [Hell Opened] (Turkish in Armenian Charaters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1783. -22, 234 (=256)p. -Size: 11.4/6cm
- Surb xach eolun ziaret‘i [Visit to the Way of the Holy Cross] Turkish in Armenian Characters, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1783. -154 page. -Size: 9.2/4.7cm
- K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] Papa telilanen t‘erciwmesi (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1783. -140 page. -Size: 12.6/7.7cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1783. -577 page. -Size: 12.5/7cm
- Chamchean, Mik‘ayel, Patmut‘iwn hayoc‘ [History of the Armenians] in 3 vols., vol. 1 Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1784. -803p. -Size: 18.7/11cm
- Hamatarac asxarhac‘oyc‘ k‘arakusi [Square World Map] Venice: 1784. -Size: 29/43cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: 1784. -48p.
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1784. -826, 7 (=833)p. -Size: 13/8.5cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1784/
- Aybubenk‘ hayoc‘ [Armenian Alphabets] (Armenian and Latin), Rome: pr. Sac. Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1784. -32p. -Size: 12.8/7.9cm
- Aesop, Arakk‘ [Fables] translated by Margar Sahrimaneanc‘, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1784. -240p. -Size: 15/8.2cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1784. -428p. -Size: 11.5/6.5cm
- Robertson, William, Vipasanut‘iwn amerikoy [Account of America] (History of America, translated by Minas Gasparean), in 2 vol. 1 Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1784. -574p.
- Tshehennem iwzerine iwc‘ k‘arozlar [Three Sermons on Hell] Turkish in Armenian Characters (translated by Anton Muratean), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1784. -258p. -Size: 11.3/6cm
- Naxapatrastut‘iwn srboy pataragi [Preparation for the Holy Liturgy] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1784. -112p. -Size: 13/8.5cm
- Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Tnorenut‘iwn mardkayin kenac‘ [The Deconomy of Human Life] (translated by Margar Sahrimaneanc‘), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1784. -176p. -Size: 15/8.2cm
- Akn Hogwoy [The Eye of the Soul] and Hamarot krt‘ut‘iwn hanapazoreay [Everyday Education in Brief] Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1785. -70, 23 (=93)p. -Size: 9.1/5.1cm
- Chamchean, Mik‘ayel, Patmut‘iwn hayoc‘ [History of the Armenians] in 3 vols., vol. 1 Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1785. -1060p. -Size: 18.7/11cm
- Partez hogewor [Spiritual Garden] (Giardino spirituale; trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i), Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1785. -322p. -Size: 9.5/5cm
- Spasaworut‘iwn srboy pataragi [Service of the Holy Liturgy] and Parzatomar [Calendar-based Manual] Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1785. -167p.
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1785. -48p. -Size: 10.2/6cm
- Entazean, Eghia, Hamarot patmut‘iwn odaparik gndoy [Brief History of the Balloon] Venice: (press unspecified), 1785. -16p. -Size: 10/5.5cm
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1785.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1785. -404p. -Size: 12.5/8cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1785. -437p. -Size: 12.5/7.4cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Ejmiacin, St. Gregory the illuminator Press, 1785. -426p. -Size: 23/16.5cm
- Spasaworut‘iwn srboy pataragi [Service of the Holy Liturgy] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1785. -32p. -Size: 22/13.3cm
- Spesaworut‘iwn srboy pataragi [Service of the Holy Liturgy] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1785. -167p. -Size: 11.5/6.5cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Yisus ordi [Jesus the Son] St, Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xladareanc‘, 1785. -438p. -Size: 12.6/7.3cm
- Patmut‘iwn surb groc‘ [History of Holy Scripture] trans. From Russian Yarut‘iwn Dawt‘ean, St. Peteraburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1785. -68p. -Size: 11.7/7.2cm
- Skzbunk‘ k‘aghak‘akan usmanc‘ [Principles of Civil Studies] trans. from Russian Anna Dilanean, St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1785. -43p. -Size: 11.3/6.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1786. -47p. -Size: 9.8/5.8cm
- Thomas a` Kempis, Yaghags nmanogh lineloy K‘ristosi (Imitatio Christi, trans. Vrt‘anes Askerean), Venice: pr. Giovanni Piaci, 1786. -356p. -Size: 10.3/6cm
- Chamchean, Mik‘ayel, Patmut‘iwn hayoc‘ [History of the Armneians] in 3 vols., vol. 3 Venice: pr. Pietro Valvaziani, 1786. -896, 196 (=1092)p. -Size: 18.7/11cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘I, Tomar [Calendar] Venice: pr. Giovanni Piaci, 1786. -32p. -Size: 14/8.8cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter], Venice: pr. Giovanni Piaci, 1786. -367p. -Size: 14.4/8.6cm
- Awetaran [Gospelbook], Venice: 1786. -[14] 430p. -Size: 12.3/9.3cm
- Nerses Lambronac‘I, Atenabanut‘iwn [Oration] Venice: 1786/
- Ap‘rike [Africa] (map), Venice: 1786. -size: 79/57cm.
- Ewropa [Europe] (map), Venice: 1786. -Size: 79/57cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1786. -596, 12 (=608)p. --Size: 12.8/8.2cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1786. - 600, 8 (=608)p. -Size: 13/7.8cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1786. -478p. -Size: 20/15cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Orinakk‘ barewagrac‘ [Examples of Letters of Greeting] Constantinople: (press unspecified), 1786. -168p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Paghtatean, Georg Ant‘apec‘i, Surb Grigor Lusaworic‘ ew arajin hayrapet hayoc‘ [St. Gregory the Illaminator and First Hierarchy of the Armenians] and Meknut‘iwn patkeri srboyn Grigori [Commentary on the Picture of St. Gregory] Rome: pr. Sac. Congreg de Propaganda Fide, 1786. -1page picture (size: 53/37cm) + 8 page text (size: 12/8cm)
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] (sections in Modern Armenian), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1786. -71p.
- Kerp spasaworut‘ean t‘iw pataragi [The Manner of Celebrating Low Mass] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1786. -14p. -Size: 10.2/6.4cm
- Robertson, William, Vipasanut‘iwn amerikoy [Account of America] (The History of America, trans. Minas Gasparean), in 2 vols., vol. 2 Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1786. -699p.
- Mtacakan aghot‘k‘ k‘it‘ape [Book of Meditative Prayer] (trans. Eghiazar tirac‘u Ankiwrac‘i: Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1786. -214p.
- Mtacakan tualer manuk Yisusun [Meditative Prayers to the Child Jesus] and Xach eolunu ziaret‘ itecek‘ t‘arik‘ tir [The Path to Visit the Way of the Cross] trans. Petros Eremean, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1786. -178p. -Size: 11/6cm
- Gazayean, Yovhannes, Xratk‘ barwok‘ k‘aghak‘avarut‘ean [Advice on Good Conduct] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1786. -96p. -Size: 10.4/6cm
- Awetaran tshasu [Liturgical Gospelbook] and Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] 2nd vol. St. Peterburg: pr. Grigor Xaldereanc‘, 1786. -341p. -Size: 20.2/13.2cm
- Mineadis, Elias, Vem gayt‘akghut‘ean [Stone to Stumble Over] trans. From Greek, St. Peterburg: pr. Grigor Xamdareanc‘, 1786. -176p. -Size: 11.5/6.1cm
- Lazar Jahkec‘i, Astuacaghers [Pleas to God] St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldereanc‘, 1786. -279p. -Size: 13.6/7.6cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Aghot‘k‘ [Prayers] (Armenian and Russian), St. Peterburg: pr. Grigor Xaldereanc‘, 1786. -29p. -Size: 11/5.5cm
- Tarec‘oyc ew Orac‘oyc‘ [Yearly calendar and calendar of Church Feasts] St. Peterburg: pr. Grigor Xaldereanc‘, 1786.
- Nerses Lambroanc‘i, Atenabanut‘iwn ew tshark‘ [Oration and Homilies] Venice: pr. Giovanni Piaci, 1787. -100p. -Size: 14/8.8cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: pr. Giovanni Piaci, 1787. -48p. -Size: 12/6cm
- America [America] (map): Drow. by Yeghia Entazian. Venice: 1787. -size: 79/57cm.
- Asia (map), Venice: 1787. -size: 79/57cm.
- Laynacawal terut‘iwn osmanc‘oc‘n [The Ottamans’ Widespread Empire] (map of Asia, Europe and Africa) Venice: 1787. -Size: 22/20.5cm
- Mxlayim, Georg, Tshar vasn cnndean ew charcharanac‘ tearn meroy Visusi K‘ristosi [Homily on the Nativity and Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1787. -67p.
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1787. -40p. -Size: 25.3/18.3cm
- Nalean Yakob, Zen hogewor [Spiritual Armour] (Armenian and Turkish in Armenian Characters), Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1787. - 192, 424 (=616)p. -Size: 16.7/11.7cm
- Petros Kastandnupolsec‘i, K‘aghak‘avarut‘iwn [Conduct] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1787. -48p. -Size: 13/8.4cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1787. -344, 8 (=352)p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Josephus, Flavius, Patmut‘iwnk‘ Yaghags paterzmin hreic‘ end hrovmayec‘is [Histories concerning the Jews’ War Against the Romans] (De Bello; Armenian edition by Step‘anos Lehac‘i), Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the illuminator Press, 1787. -496p. -Size: 18.9/13.4cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the illuminator Press, 1787. -418p. -Size: 13/7.5cm
- Jernadrut‘ean girk‘ [Ordination Manual] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1787. -2, 82 (=84)p. -Size: 17.2/10.3cm
- Gaspareanc‘, Minas, Gorc hamarotakan aruestin [Multiplication Tables] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1787. -11, 100, 9 (=120)p. -Size: 13.4/5.6cm
- Partez hogewor [Spiritual Garden] (Giardino spirituale; trans. Yovhannes Kostandnupolsec‘i), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1787. -312p. -Size: 9/4.7cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1787. -391p. -Size: 15/5.8cm
- Tetrak amenasurb Rozarin [Booklet on the Most Holy Rosary] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1787. -72p. -Size: 9/4.7cm
- Hogewor patrastut‘iwn ar amenasurb cnnundn K‘ristosi [Spiritual Preparation for Christ‘s Most Holy Nativity] Trieste: 1787. -4p. -Size: 10/5.3cm
- Eghise, Patmut‘iwn Vardananc‘ [History of Vardan and His Companions] St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1787. -413p. -Size: 11.4/6cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1787. -320p. -Size: 6.7/4cm
- Siwrmelean, Xachatur, Hamarot t‘uabanut‘iwn asxarhabar [Brief Arithetic in Modern Armenian] Venice: pr. Giovanni Piaci, 1788. -160p. -Size: 14.1/8.2cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: pr. Giovanni Piaci, 1788. -48p.
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] and Ganjaran p‘ok‘rik [Small Book of Ganj Songs] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1788. -484p. -Size: 12/7.2cm
- Gorck‘ axrak‘eloc‘ [Acts of Apostles] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1788. -476p. -Size: 12.5/6.5cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1788. -107p. -Size: 13/7.5cm
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] Ejmiacin: St. Gregory the illuminator Press, 1788. -35p. -Size: 23/16cm
- Akn hogwoy, Hamarot krt‘ut‘iwn hanapazoreay [The Eye of the Soul, Brief Everyday Education] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1788. -93p. -Size: 8.3/4.3cm
- De la Croix, Petis, Patmut‘iwn Tshenkiz xani [History of Genghiz Xen] (Histoire du grand Genghizcan, trans. from Italian Marger Sahrianean), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1788. -3, 544 (=547)p. -Size: 13/6.7cm
- Billuart, Charles-Rene, Bovandakut‘iwn srboyn T‘ovmay [St. Thomas’ Summa] (Summa S. Thomae, hodiernis Academicarum moribus accomadata…) in 3 vols., Part 1, vol. 1, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1788. -464(/)p. -Size: 15/7.6cm
- Billuart, Charles-Rene, Bovandakut‘iwn srboyn T‘ovmay [St. Thomas’ Summa] in 3 vols., vol 3, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1788. -708p. -Size: 13.7/7.5cm
- Haynak ew Nemec‘nak [Armenian and German] (ABC Armeneisch und Deutsch oder Namenbuchlein zum Gebrauch der armenieschen Jugend in Siebenburgen), Mxit‘arist Press, 1788. -48p.
- Haynak ew Nemec‘nak [Armenian and German] (ABC Armeneisch und Deutsch oder Namenbuchlein zum Gebrauch der armenieschen Jugend in Siebenburgen), Mxit‘arist Press, 1788. -56p.
- K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] (Armenian and German) Mxit‘arist Press, 1788. -56p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Xaldareanc‘, Grigoe, Girk‘ or kochi sawigh lezuagit‘ean [Book Called Path to Knowledge of Language] (Armenian-Russian Dictionary) and Nerses Snorhali, Hawatov xostovanim [I Confess in Faith] (Armenian and Russian), St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1788. -168p. -Size: 14/10cm
- Sarafean, Cleopatra, Banali gitut‘ean [Key to Knowledge] (Armenian and Russian), St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1788. -295p. -Size: 15.3/12.2cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Endhanrakan [Encyclical Letter] and Nerses Lambronac‘i, Draut patmagrabar [Historical Panegyric (of St. Nerses Snorhali)] St. Petersburg: pr. Grigor Xaldareanc‘, 1788. -336p. -Size: 16/10.3cm
- Gorck‘ arak‘eloc‘ [Acts of Apostles] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press under name of Anton Bortoli, 1789. -387p. -Size: 13.5/7.5cm
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1789. -394p. -Size: 10.9/5.6cm
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Meknut‘iwn ergoc‘ ergoyn Soghovmoni [Commentary on Solomon’s Song of Songs] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1789. -216p. -Size: 11.6/6cm
- Nor Ktakaran [New Testament] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1789. -738p. -Size: 13.5/7.5cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Trieste: Mxit‘ar Sebsatac‘i, Tomar Kartfarot [Abridged Calendar] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1789. -328p. -Size: 12.3/7cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1789. -47p. -Size: 10.6/5.8cm
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Venice: 1789. -237p.
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1789-1790. -371p. -Size: 16/11.5cm
- Tomar [Calendar] and Lukas Vanandec‘i, Zbosans haykazuneac‘ [For the Diversion of Armenians] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1789. -454p. -Size: 12/7cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Ejmiacin, St. Gregory the illuminator Press, 1789. -895p. -Size: 12.5/8cm
- Patmut‘iwn Mariane kusin [History of the Virgin Marianna] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1789. -53p. -Size: 10.5/7cm
- Manuk Yisusun izzet‘ine toguz kiwn olunatshag tualar [Turkish in Armenian Characters], Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1789.
- Mxit‘ar Gos, Arakk‘ [Proverbs] Otanawork‘ [Poems] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1790. -216p. -Size: 11/6.2cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1790. -48p. -Size: 10.8/6cm
- Grigor Narekac‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1790. -350p. -Size: 13.7/8.6cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1790. -832p. -Size: 13.3/8.2cm
- Alek‘sandre Jughayec‘i, Aghot‘amatoyc‘ [Prayer Book]. Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1790. -76p.
- Patmut‘iwn kaysern p‘onc‘ianosi [History of the Emperor Pontianos] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1790. -382p. -Size: 12.7/8cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Trieste: Mxit‘ar Press, 1790. -232p. -Size: 17.2/10.2cm
- Alek‘sandre Jughayec‘i, Aghot‘amatoyc‘ [Prayer Book] and Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Zbosaran hogewor [Spiritual Divertion] Nor-Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1790. -176p. -Size: 11.7/7cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Nor-Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1790. -96p.
- Step‘anos Siwnec‘i, Voghb ew Harachank‘ [Lamentation and Groaning] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1790. -80p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Asxarhac‘oyc‘ Osmanean terut‘ean [map of the Orroman Empire] Venice: engraver Alessandri, 1791. -Size: 41/24.5cm
- Intshitshean, Lukas, Asxarhagrut‘iwn [Geography] (Modern Armenian), Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1791. -167p. -Size: 12.8/6.3cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1791. -48p. -Size: 10.8/6cm
- Asxarhac‘oyc‘ taxtak seaw covu ew srjanakic‘n [Map of the Black Sea and Surrounding Regions] Venice: 1791.
- Neghuc‘ Kostadnupolsoy [The Bosporus of Constantinople] (map), Venice: 1791. -Size: 23/41cm
- Sofealean, Sahak, Tetrak neroghut‘eanc‘ [Booklet of Indulgences] (Armenian and Turkish in Armenian Characters), Venice: (press unspecified), 1791. -45p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Sogineanc‘, T‘adeos, Voghb hayastaneac‘ [Lament on Armenia] (verse), Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1791. -31p. -Size: 12.9/6cm
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, Orinak handisawor canuc‘man ew oghboc‘ [Example of a Solemn Speech and Laments] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1791. -40p. -Size: 14.2/12cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammer] vols. 1-2, Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1791. -619p. -Size: 10.5/6.3cm
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Tagharan p‘ok‘rik [Small Book of Tagh Songs] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1791. -48p. -Size: 13/8.5cm
- Hadert, Louis, Hamarotut‘iwn vardapetut‘ean hawatoy ew baroyakan astuacabanut‘ean [Abridgement of the Doctrine of the Faith and Moral Theology] (Compendium theologiae dogmaticae et moralis, trans, Barsegh Laslofean, Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press,) 1791. -546p. -Size: 16.8/10.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Nor-Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1791. -606p.]
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Nor-Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1791. -381p. -Size: 11.7/7cm
- Enkiwriwliw surb Teodition nahatakn ve eeti kusank‘laren patmut‘iwnu [The Story of the Martyr St. Theoditos And the Seven Virgins] (Turkish in Armenian Charakters), (provenance and press unpecified), 1791. -159p. -Size: 10.1/5.6cm
- K‘rist‘iyan t‘alimi (Turkish in Armenian Characters), (provenance and press unspecified), 1791. -320p. -Size: 10.2/5.7cm
- K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] (Armenian in Turkish Characters), (provenance and press unpecified), 1791. -172p. -Size: 11/5.5cm
- Awetik‘ean, Gabriel, K‘erakanut‘iwn t‘osk‘anean lezui [Grammer of Tuscan (Italian)] (Italian in Armenian Characters), Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1791. -16, 488 (=504)p. -Size: 12.5/7cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1792/ -48p. -Size: 10.6/6cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean, 1792. -384p. -Size: 12.4/8.3cm
- Cherezean, Yakob, Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1792. -47p. -Size: 10.5/6cm
- Patmut‘iwn kaysern P‘onc‘ianosi [History of the Emperor Pontianus] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1792. -328p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Patmut‘iwn pghndzi k‘aghk‘in [Tale of the City of Copper] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1792. -224p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1792. -352p. -Size: 12/8cm
- Poghos Kaghzuanc‘i, C‘up k‘ahanayic‘ [Priests’ Staff] Constantinople: pr. Mayr Tparan, 1792. -352p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- T‘aghean, Yakob, Erkrachap‘ut‘iwn [Geometry] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1792. -55p. -Size: 14.3/9cm
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, Orinak handisawor canuc‘man ew oghboc‘ [Example of Solemn Speech and Laments] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1792. -48p. -Size: 18/12cm
- Nerses Snorhali, Visus ordi [Jesus the Son] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1792. -444p. -Size: 12.5/7.6cm
- Lazar Jahkec‘i, Astuacaghers [Pleas to God] Nor-Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1792. -238p. -Size: 15/8cm
- Yovhannes Erznkac‘i, Vipasanut‘iwn zerknayin marmnoc‘ sarzmane [Account of the Movement of the Heavenly Bodies] (second part in verse) Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1792. -83p. -Size: 15.4/10.4cm.
- Yovhannes Erznkac‘i, Vipasanut‘iwn zerknayin marmnoc‘ sarzmane [Account of the Movement of the Heavenly Bodies] (second part in verse) Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1792. -79p. -Size: 17/10.5cm
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, Durn oghormut‘ean [Gate of Mercy] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1792. -16p. -Size: 15/9.6cm
- Tarec‘oyc‘ ew Orac‘oyc‘ [Yearly and Festal Calendar] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1792. -56p. -Size: 12/6.5cm
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli, 1793. -144p.
- Tesauro, Count Emmanuale, Imastasirut‘iwn baroyakan [Moral Philosophy] (La filosofia morale: translated by Vrt‘anes Askerean), Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1793. -814p. -Size: 12.3/6.6cm
- Targmanut‘iwn groy mioy paron Samir Sult‘anumaneanc‘ ar mec bjiskn k‘aghakis Paron Jems Andrsann [Translation of a Letter From Mr. Samir Sult‘anumanean to Mr. James Anderson, Great Doctor of the City] Madras: press unspecified, 1793/ -4p. -Size: 20/15.5cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1793. -393p. -Size: 9.9/5cm
- Lazar P‘arpec‘i, Patmut‘iwn hayoc‘ [History of the Armenians] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1793. -320p. -Size: 14/8cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1793. -365p. -Size: 8.7/5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Alek‘sandr Intshitshean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1793. -44p. -Size: 10/6cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1793(/). -112p. -Size: 12.8/7.8cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1793. -608p. -Size: 12/7.3cm
- Zhoghovacu girk‘ [Miscellany] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1793. -450p. -Size: 12/7.5cm
- Mxlayim, Georg, Tshar vasn cnndean ew charcharanac‘ tearn meroy ew p‘rkchin Yisusi K‘ristosi [Homily Concerning the Nativity and Passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Constantinople: pr. Mayr Tparan, 1793. -71p. -Size: 13.2/8cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Mayr Tparan (date of publication unspecified; 1793-1799/). -118p. -Size: 13/8.2cm
- K‘rt‘ut‘iwn k‘ristoneakan [Christian Education] Constantinople: pr. Mayr Tparan, 1793. -32p. -Size: 14/8cm
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Constantinople: pr. Mayr Tparan, 1793-1794. -532p. -Size: 19.7/14.2cm
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs] Ejmiacin: St. Gregoery the Illuminator Press, 1793. -45p. -Size: 10.8/7cm
- Louis XVI, Hamarot patmut‘iwn ew ktak [Brief History and Testament] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1793.
- Patmut‘iwn anc‘ic‘ srbakron Yakob ark‘episkoposi [History of the Events of the Celibate Archbishop Yakob] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1793. -56p. -Size: 12.2/9cm
- Porphywr, Neracut‘iwn [Introduction to Aristotle], Dawit‘ Anjaght‘, Vercanut‘iwnk‘ neracut‘ean Porp‘iwri [Commentary on Porophyry’s introduction], Grigor tat‘ewac‘I, Yucmunk‘ neracut‘ean Porp‘iwri [Analysis of Porphyrh’s Introduction] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1792. -413p. -Size: 11/6.7cm
- Lazar Jahkec‘i, Astuacaghers [Pleas to God] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1793. -240p. -Size: 15/8cm
- K‘alant‘arean, Petros, Bzhskaran Hamarot [Brief Medical Manual] and Bararan [Dictionary] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1793. -136p. -Size: 17/10.5cm
- Tarec‘oyc‘ ew orac‘oyc [Yearly and Festal Calendar]. Nor Naxijewan: Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1793. -57p. -Size: 10/6cm
- K‘aghuac hangstean sarakanac‘ hamoren nnjec‘eloc‘ i k‘ristos [Anthology of the Hymns of Repose For All Who Have Fallen Asleep in Christ] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1793. -48p.
- Fenelon, Francois, Patmut‘iwn T‘elamak‘i ordwoy Yulisi [History of Telemachus, Son of Julius] (Aventures de Telemaque, trans. Margar Yerewanc‘i), vols. 1-2, Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1793. -371p. -Size: 21/13.5cm
- Letter and gramota, Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1793. -56p. -Size: 13.5/8.8cm
- St. Athanasius of Alexavdria: Vark‘ srboy Antoni abbayi [Life of St. Anthony the Hermit] translated by Barsegh Laslovean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1794. -126p. -Size: 13.9/7.5cm
- Intshitshean, Lukas, Amaranoc‘ Biwzandean [Byzantine Summerhouse] (verse), Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1794. -262p. -Size: 11/5.5cm
- Pronean, Sahak Beriac‘i, Erkrachap‘ut‘iwn [Geometry] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1794. -429p. -Size: 16.7/9.5cm
- Tetrak amenasurb rozarin [Book of the Most Holy Rosary] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1794. -72p. -Size: 9.5/5.2cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Xachatur Siwrmelean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1794. -48p. -Size: 10.2/6cm
- Step‘anean, Yakob, Psak kusin [The Virgin’s Crown] Venice: (press unspecified), 1794. -72p. -Size: 9.8/5cm
- Simeon Jughayec‘i, Tramabanut‘iwn [Logic], Artadrut‘iwn vasn anjin mardoy [Exposition on The Human Soul], Porphyry, Neracut‘iwn [Introduction to Aristotle], Dawit‘ Anjaght‘, Girk‘ eakac‘ [Book of Beings], Arack‘ hing [Five Propositions], Vasn bazhanman [On Division], Meknut‘iwn Porp‘iwri [Commentary on Porphyry’s Introduction] (abridged), Aristotle, Yaghags meknut‘ean [On Commentary], Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1794. -276, 138 (=414)p. -Size: 12.5/7.8cm
- Saraknoc‘ [Hymnal] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1794. -558p. -Size: 19.7/13.8cm
- Gapasak‘alean, Grigor, Nuagaran [Collection of Hymns] Constantinople: pr. Mayr Tparan, 1794. -432p. -Size: 11.8/7.3cm
- Benedict XIV, Sahmanadrut‘iwn [Constitution] (Constitutio liberorum muratorum damnatoria; trans. Grigor Balinean), Rome: Sac. Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1794. -23p. -Size: 14.5/9cm
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual] Ejmiacin: (press unspecified), 1794. -88(/)p.
- Azdarar amsagir [The Monitor Monthly] (sections in Modern Armenian), Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1794-1796. -191p. -Size: 14/12cm
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, Orinak orhnut‘iwn t‘ght‘oyn [Example: Praise of the Letter] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1794. -19p.
- Xorhrdatetr [Missal] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1794. - 30p. -Size: 23.8/16.2cm
- Nalean, Yakob, Hogesah [Profitable to the Soul] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1794. -72p. -Size: 15.7/9cm
- T‘orosean, Poghos Tiwrikec‘i, Bararan [Dictionary] (Turkish and Armenian) (verse), Nor Naxijewan, 1794. -96p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book], Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1794. -13p. -Size: 24/16cm
- Fenelon, Francois, Patmut‘iwn T‘elemak‘i ordwoy Yulisi [History of Telemachus, son of Julius] (Aventures de Telemaque, trans. Margar Yerewanc‘i), in two vols; vol.1, Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1794. -264p. -Size: 16.3/11cm
- Grigor Narekac‘I, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Praeyr Book], Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, under the name of Anton Bortoli, 1795. -429p. -Size: 10.9/9.6cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Matt‘eos Maghak‘ean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1795. -47p. -Size: 10.3/6cm
- Tomar [Calendar] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1795. -445p. -Size: 12.5/7.3cm
- K‘erakanut‘iwn [Grammar] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1795. -48p. -Size: 14.5/11cm
- Ep‘rem Xuri, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1795(/). -112p. -Size: 12.8/7.8cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: Mayr Tparan, 1795/ -712p.
- Meknut‘iwn zhamakargut‘ean [Commentary on the Breviary] Constantinople: Mayr Tparan, 1795. -102p. -Size: 9.5/6.4cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: Mayr Tparan, 1795/. -412p. -Size: 14/9cm
- Azdarar amsagir [The Monitor Monthly] (sections in Modern Armenian), Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1795. -670p. -Size: 14/12cm
- K‘ristoneakan vardapetut‘iwn [Christian Doctrine] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1795. -72p. -Size: 11.2/5.6cm
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, K‘aroz [Sermon] Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1795. -27p. -Size: 16.2/10.5cm
- Fenelon, Francois, Patmut‘iwn T‘elemak‘i ordwoy Yulisi [History of Telemachus, son of Julius] (Aventures de Telemaque, trans.) Margar Yerewanc‘i), in two vols.; vol.2, Nor Naxijewan: Holy Cross Monastery Press, 1795. -259p. -Size: 16.3/11cm
- Ephimerides, Venice: pr Anton Bortoli, 1796. -456p. -Size: 11.8/6.3cm
- Movses Xorenac‘i, Girk‘ Pitoyic‘ [Book of Chries], Yovhannes Zohrapean (ed.), Venice: St, Lazar’s Press, 1796. -506p. -Size: 15/9cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Matt‘eos Maghak‘ean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1796. -47p. -Size: 10/6cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos, 1796. -372p. -Size: 10.2/6.2cm
- Mxlayim, Georg, Tshar amenamak‘ur cnndean ew ktak charcharanac‘ tearn meroy Yisusi K‘ristosi [Homily on the Most Pure Nativity and Testament of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1796. -63p. -Size: 12.6/8cm
- Awetaran [Gospelbook] Constantinople: pr. Matt‘eos Dpir, 1796. -364p. -Size: 18.7/12.2cm
- Patmut‘iwn kaysern P‘onc‘ianosi [History of the Emperor Pontianus] Constantinople: 1796. -328p.
- Abkarean, Step‘anos Ankiwrac‘i, Skzbunk‘ bnakan gitut‘eanc‘ [Principles of the Natural Sciences] Rome: Sac. Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1796. -[8] 72p. -Size: 14/9cm
- Azdarar amsagir [The Monitor Monthly] (sections in Modern Armenian), Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1796. -88p. -Size: 14/12cm
- Buffon, Comte Georges Louis Leclerc de and Bomar, Patmut‘iwn meghuac‘ [History of Bees] ( trans. Xocamal Safari), Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1796/
- Augereanc‘, Step‘annos, Tok‘uz kiwn mtacakan tua eraneli Klemes hayrapetin vark‘enen iwzerine [Nine Days Meditative Prayer on the Life of the Blessed Clement] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1796. -4, 40 (=44)p. -Size: 10.5/6cm
- Ec‘yi eoliwme hazr olmak‘leghen (Turkish in Armenian Characters) Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1796. -86p. -Size: 8.3/4.3cm
- Mtacakan aghot‘ k‘it‘ape [Book of Meditative Prayer] translated by Tirac‘u Eghiazar, (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1796. -235p. -Size: 10.2/6.2cm
- Mtacakan tualer manuk Yisusum iwzerine tok‘uz kiwn olunacak‘ [Meditative Prayers on the Child Jesus for Nine Days], translated by Petros Eremean, Trieste: Mxita’rist Press, 1796. -118p. -Size: 10.5/6cm
- Muxt‘asaritshe t‘arik‘ hemap‘ak‘ Rozaren [ ] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1796. -28p. -Size: 8.3/5cm
- Surb xach eolun ziaret‘i [Visit to the Way of the Holy Cross] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1796. -146p. -Size: 8.3/4.3cm
- Abraham Kretac‘i, Patmut‘iwn anc‘ic‘ [History of Nadir Sah] and Ararkut‘iwn enddem axtac‘eloc‘ yaxts manik‘akan molut‘ean [Against Those Infected With the Manichaean Heresy] Calcutta: pr. Yovsep‘ Step‘anosean, 1796. -277p. -Size: 17.4/11.6cm
- Grik‘oyk zhoghovacu xratakan [Miscellay of Advice] Calcutta: pr. Yovsep‘ Step‘anosean, 1796. -187p. -Size: 19.2/12.5cm
- Catherine II, Hrovartak [Decree] (Armenian and Russian) Astraxan: Arghut‘eanc‘ press, 1796. -18p. -Size: 25/18cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Astraxan: Arghut‘eanc‘ press, 1796. -535p. -Size: 13/7cm
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, Xosk‘ asac‘eal i verap‘oxman astuacacnay yekeghec‘wojn hayoc‘ [Homily Given in the Armenian Church on the Transformation of the Mother of God] Astraxan: Arghut‘eanc‘ Press, 1796. -9p.
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, K‘ondak orhnut‘ean [Encyclical of Praise] and Platon Zubov, Namak ark‘episkoposin [Letter to the Archbishop] Astraxan: Arghut‘eanc‘ Press, 1796. -34p. -Size: 17.5/11.5cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Matt‘eos Maghak‘ean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1797. -48p. -Size: 10/6cm
- Dawit‘ Anjaght‘, Girk sahmanc‘ [Book of Definitions] and Arak‘el vardapet, Lucmunk‘ sahmanac‘n Dawt‘i [Analysis of Dawit‘s Definitions], Madras: pr Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1797. -658p. -Size: 12.8/9.2cm
- Ghekawar mankanc‘ [Children’s Guide] Madras: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i, 1797. -291p. -Size: 11/7cm
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1797. -55p.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer] (Modern Armenian and Turkish), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1797. -104p. -Size: 11/7.5cm
- Naxapatrastuti’iwn srboy pataragi [Preparation for the Holy Liturgy] Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1797. -98p. -Size: 11.5/7cm
- Yovhannes Jughayec‘i, Vitshabanut‘iwn ar sah Slemann parsic‘ [Dispute Before the Persian Sah Suleyman] Calcutta: Yovsep‘ Step‘anosean, 1797. -260p. -Size: 18/11.8cm
- Tetrak i pets vatsharakanac‘ [Booklet for Merchants’ Needs] translated from English by Astuacatur, Calcutta: pr. Yovsep‘ Step‘anosean 1797. -102p. -Size: 17.8/11.6cm
- Ephimerides, Astraxan, Arghut‘eanc‘ Press, 1797. -354p. -Size: 12.8/7cm
- Vardan Barjrberdc‘i, Meknut‘iwn saghmosac‘ Dawt‘i [Commentary on the Pslams of David] Astraxan, Arghut‘eanc‘ Press, 1797. -520p. -Size: 16/9.4cm
- Tarec‘oyc‘ ew orac‘oyc [Yearly and Festal Calendar] Astraxan, Arghut‘eanc‘ Press, 1797. -48p. -Size: 10/6cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Xachatur Siwrmelean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1798. -48p. -Size: 10.1/6cm
- Aghot‘agirk‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Matt‘eos Dpir, 1798. -126p. -Size: 8/4.9cm
- Aghot‘agirk‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople: pr. Matt‘eos Dpir, 1798. -[2]74p. -Size: 8/4.9cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1798/ -356p. -Size: 13/8.2cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] Constantinople: Mayr Tparan, 1798. -400p. -Size: 7.8/4.7cm
- Awgereanc‘, Step‘annos, K‘eomiwrtsheanc‘ ter Komitas k‘ahanayen vark‘e, ve nahatakut‘iwnu [The Life and Martyrdom of the Priest Komitas K‘eomiwrtsheanc‘] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Trieste: Mxit‘arist Press, 1798. -44p. -Size: 13.5/8.5cm
- Ephimerdes, Calcutta: pr. Yovsep‘ Step‘anosean, 1798. - 508p. -Size: 13.9/7.8cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Xachatur Siwrmelean, Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1799. -48p. -Size: 10.2/6cm
- Arak‘el Siwnec‘i, Adamgirk‘ [Adambook] (verse), Constantinople: pr. Matt‘eos Dpir 1799. -276p. -Size: 13.4/7.5cm
- Yovhannes Artshisec‘i, Meknut‘iwn surb pataragin [Commentary on the Holy Liturgy] Constantinople: pr. Matt‘eos Dpir, 1799. -216p. -Size: 13.2/7.3cm
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1799. -608p. -Size: 12.7/7.2cm
- Tshasoc‘ [Lectionary] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1799-1801. -827p. -Size: 32/19cm
- Tonac‘oyc‘ [Synaxary] Constantinople: pr. Poghos Yovhannisean, 1799-1802. -550p. -Size: 12.3/7.2cm
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book] Constantinople (press and date of publication unspecified), (1799-1800/). -96p. -Size: 8.7/5.8cm
- Vark‘ Lusiay kusin [Life of the Virgin Lucia] Trieste: Mxit‘arean Press, 1799. -30p. -Size: 10.5/6cm
- Laslovean, Barsegh, Yaweluac banic‘ ew gorcoc‘ Antoni abbayi [Supplement to the Sayings and Deeds of the Hermit Anthony] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1800. -96p.
- Awgerean Mkrtic‘, Caghik varuc‘ srboc‘ [Anthology of Lives of the Saints] Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1800. -312p. -Size: 9.6/4.8cm
- Vkayut‘iwnk‘ harc‘ hayoc‘ [Testimonies of Armenian Fathers] (Armenian and Latin), Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1800.
- Taregrut‘iwn 1799 tarwoyn [Chronicle of the Year 1799] (annual), ed. Lukas Intshitshean, (Modern Armenian) Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1800. -46p. -Size: 13.5/7.5cm
- T‘ahmas gulu xanen t‘evarik‘i [History of Tahmas Xan] (Turkish in Armenian Characters), Venice: (press unspecified), 1800. -96p. -Size: 10.1/5.7cm
- Orac‘oyc‘ [Calendar] compiled by Matt‘eos Maghak‘ean, 1800. -48p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter] (Armenian and Turkish characters), Constantinople: pr. Matt‘eos Dpir, 1800. -386p. -Size: 16.5/12.5cm
- Aziz t‘arihler ve heristiyan tinin pas matteleri [Pleasant Tales and Principal Tenets of the Christian Religion] (Turkish in Armenian characters) Trieste/: Mxit‘arist Press/, 1800. -174p. -Size: 10.9/6.4cm
- Taregrut‘iwn 1800 tarwoyn [Chronicle of the Year 1800] (Modern Armenian), Venice: St. Lazar’s Press, 1800/ -72p. -Size: 10/6cm
- K‘ristoneanen k‘lawuzu (Turkish in Armenian characters) 2 vols. Trieste/: Mxit‘arist Press, 1800. -517p. -Size: 11.5/6.8cm
- T‘argmanut‘iwn privelekac‘n hayoc‘ [Translation of the Armenians’ Privileges… in various parts of the Russian Empire] Astraxan: pr. Arghut‘eanc‘, 1800. -37, 6, 3 (=46)p. -Size: 17/11.7cm
- Girk‘ yunac‘ or koc‘i orolokion mec [The Greek‘s Book Called the Great Horologion] (provenance and press unspecified), 1800. -479p. -Size: 20/12.8cm
- Vark‘ srboyn Alek‘sianosi [Life of St. Alek‘sianos] (provenance, press and date unspecified, 1800/ -35p. -Size: 12/6c
Undated Books
[խմբագրել]- Aghot‘agirk‘ [Prayerbook]: Armenian, Turkish and Latin in Armenian characters. provenance, press and date unspecified. -32p. -Size: 11.5/5.5cm
- Aghot‘agirk‘ [Prayerbook]: Venice, press and date unspecified. -322p. -Size: 9/6.5cm
- Aghot‘agirk‘ [Prayerbook]: Constantinople/ press and date unspecified. -325(/)p. -Size: 18.5/13cm
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer], Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos. -32p.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer], Constantinople: pr. Yovhannes and Poghos. -32p.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer], Constantinople: pr. Step‘anos Petrosean. -32p.
- Aybbenaran ew Saghmos Dawt‘i [Reading Primer and Psalter], Madras/: pr. Yarut‘iwn Smawonean Sirazec‘i/ -128(/)p. -Size: 13.5/9cm
- Aybbenaran ew K‘ristoneakan [Reading Primer and Manual of Christianity], Constantinople.
- Aybbenaran ew K‘ristoneakan [Reading Primer and Manual of Christianity], Constantinople, pr. Astuacatur Kostandnupolsec‘i.
- Aybbenaran [Reading Primer], Trieste/: second half of 18th century. -108(/)p. -Size: 11.5/6cm
- Asghalic‘ Erikink‘ [Starry Sky], Map (hemispheres), provenance, press and date unspecified. -Size: 38.5/26.5cm
- Areenti, Eustratois, Grk‘uk cayragoyn imastasirin Horomoc‘ [Book of the Most Eminent Roman’ Philosopher], Constantinople/
- Bargirg Taliani [Armeno-Italian Dictionary], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -80p. -Size: 9/6cm
- Gawark‘ Hayastan asxarhi est hin patmut‘eanc‘ [The Provenices of Armienia according to the Anciant Histories] Map (engraver Eghia Entazean), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 41.5/20cm
- Mxlayim Georg, Tshar vasn cnndean tearn meroy Yisusi K‘ristosi [Homily on the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -31, 15 (=46)p.
- Georg vardapet Ant‘epli, Ar ughghap‘ar eghbayrs gaghatac‘is oghjoyn [Greeting to the Orthodox Brothers of Galatia], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -4p. -Size: 22/14cm
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayerbook], Constantinople/: provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -135p. -Size: 8.5/5cm.
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayerbook], Constantinople/: provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. - 96p. - Size: 5.9/9cm.
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayerbook], Constantinople/: provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -96p. - Size: 5.5/8.5cm.
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayerbook], Constantinople/: provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -158p. - Size: 8.4/5.4cm.
- Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayerbook], Constantinople/: provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -172p. - Size: 5/8cm.
- Grigor Lusvorchi vark‘e ew charcharanqnere [The Life and Passion of St. Gregory the Illuminator] (Picture), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. - Size: 72.5/49cm.
- Dawanutiwn ughghap‘ar hawatoy [Confession of Orthodox Faith] provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -15p.
- Dprutean Girk ew Tagaran [Book of Education and Tagh songs] provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -256(/)p.
- Ep‘rem Xuri Asori, Girk‘ Aghotic‘ [Prayer Book], Constantinople(/): provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -94p. - Size: 12.5/7.5cm.
- Zankeal dprut‘ean t‘axic tesaran…[Sorrowful Scene of Fallen Literature], (Picture and poem), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 66.5/44.5cm.
- Thomas Aquinas, Trak yordorakan [Admonition Tractate], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -1p. -Size: 14/9.3cm.
- T‘ught‘ anddem molut‘eanc‘ [Letter Againist Vices], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -59p. -Size: 13/7.8cm.
- Zhamagirk‘ [Breviary]. -520(/)p. Size: 13.5/8cm.
- I surb ew p‘araworeal astuacazard ew…[From the Holy and Glorious, God-adorned…], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -1p. -Size: 50.7/36cm.
- Pope Innocent XI, Hamarotut‘iwn neroghut‘eanc‘ snorhec‘eloc‘ I zanazan vehapetac‘ [A Brief Account of the Indulgences Granted by Diverse Pontiffs], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. - 30, 3 (=33)p.
- Kerp spasaworut‘ean t‘iw pataragi [Manner of Serving Low Mass], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -8p. -Size: 11.5/7.6cm.
- Pope Clement XI, Kerp neroghut‘eanc‘ [Type of Indulgences], Rome: provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -1p. -Size: 36/24.5cm.
- Krtut‘iwn hanapazordean arneli i yiwrak‘anchiwr hawatac‘eal K‘ristoneic‘ [Daily Instruction to be Undertaken by all Believing Christians], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified.
- Hromac‘u erkrin ew Hayrapetin patmut‘iwne [History of the Land of Rome and the Pope] provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -32p. -Size: 12/7cm.
- Ghrimi k‘artez [Map of the Crimea] provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 57/42cm.
- Mastoc‘ [Ritual], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified.
- Meknut‘iwn ”Hayr Meri” [Commentary on the Lord’s Prayer] Venice: provenance, publication, pr. Anton Bortoli.
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, (portrait); provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 38/25.5 cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i, (portrait); provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 38/25.5 cm
- Mxit‘ar Sebastac‘i. (portrait); provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 14.8/10.2 cm
- Vilotte, Jacques, Patmut‘iwn gzhtut‘ean egheloy end mej Step‘annosi ar ajnordi Nor Jughayi [History of the Dispute with Step‘annos, Prelate of New Julfa].
- Yaghags srboy ew endhanrakani ekeghec‘woy [On the Holy Catholic Church], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -136p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Yaghags k‘nnut‘ean srti [On the Examination of the Heart], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified.
- Yaghags k‘nnut‘ean srti [On the Examination of the Heart], Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli.
- Kaidekean, Johannes Joseph, Patmut‘iwn darji ew mkrtut‘ean Yovhannu Yovsep‘ay K‘aitek‘ean mecanum hrei [Account of the Conversion and Baptism of Johannes Joseph Kaidek, the Illustrious Jew’], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -18p. -Size: 10.8/7cm
- Arghut‘eanc‘, Yovsep‘, Archbishop, Portrait, provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 31/23.3cm
- Nor ew diwragoyn xrat [Newer, Simpler Counsel on Confession], Venice: pr. Anton Bortoli. -30p.
- Snorhakalagir [Letter of Thanks], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified (standard form prepared for donations to the Church of St. John the Baptist to be presented to the donor with space left for name, amount etc. to be added as appropriate). -Size: 32/12cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Pu patmut‘iwn girk‘i oltur k‘i, Grigorios surb Lusaworichin ewelinden axerenatak‘ patmut‘iwnu (Turkish in Armenian characters), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -160p. -Size: 13/6.8cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Pu patmut‘iwn girk‘i oltur k‘i, Grigorios surb Lusaworichin ewelinden axerenatak‘ patmut‘iwnu (Turkish in Armenian characters), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -159p. -Size: 13.3/8cm
- Paghtasar Dpir, Tagharan ew Taghikner siroy ew kartanac‘ [Book of Tagh Songs and Collection of Tagh Songs of Love and Yearning]. -258p. -Size: 8.2/5.6cm
- Patker srjakay vayrac‘ At‘enay [Schema of the Environs of Athens] provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 15.5/10cm
- Patmut‘iwn Mariane Kusin [Account of the Virgin Mariane], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -48p. -Size: 11.5/7cm
- Parzabanut‘iwn [Explication of the Articles of the Faith]. -358(/)p. -Size: 10.5/6cm
- Parzatomar [Calender-based Manual] (according to the Romans).
- Pghnje k‘alak‘ [City of Copper]. -254(/)p.
- Poghosi t‘ught‘ k‘ [Pauline Epistles], New Julfa: pub. Yovhannes Jughayec‘i.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -366(/)p. -Size: 12.5/7.5cm
- Saghmosaran [Psalter], Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter], Constantinople: pr. Astuacatur. -48p.
- Saghmosaran [Psalter], Constantinople: pr. Central School Press. -412p. -Size: 13/8cm
- Simeon Yerewanc‘i, Sahmandrut‘iwn [Regulations of the Feasts of Five Sundays], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -1p. -Size: 27.5/16.3cm
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs]. -123, 5 (=128)p. -Size: 6.8/5cm
- Tagharan [Book of Tagh Songs], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified.
- Teghac‘oyc‘ At‘enay [Schema of Athens] (map), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 15.5/10cm.
- Teghac‘oyc‘ krtshin T‘ermopileay [Schema of the Define of Thermopylae] (map), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 15.5/10cm.
- Teghac‘oyc‘ tshakatamartin Marat‘oni [Schema of the Battle of Marathon] (map), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 15.5/10cm.
- Teghac‘oyc‘ tshakatamartin Pghateay [Schema of the Battle of Platea] (map), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 15.5/10cm.
- Teghac‘oyc‘ tshakatamartin Saghaminay [Schema of the Battle of Salamis] (map), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 15.5/10cm.
- Tetraks ays, or kochi Sapet‘ay [This Booklet is called Sapet‘ay] (Verse Satire directed at..(Armenian and, in part, Turkish in Armenian characters). The author is probably Eremia Chelebi. -34p. -Size: 12.5/7.4cm
- Tomar Azariayi [Azaria’s Calendar], provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -64p. -Size: 7.5/5.5cm
- C‘uc‘ak awurc‘ lusni [Table of the Lunar Month] (map-calendar), provenance, publication, press and date unspecified. -Size: 42/35.5cm Foreign Language Publications Containing Armenian Portions and Alphabet
- Breidenbach, Bernhard von, Reise ins heilige Land (Peregrinatio in terram sanctam), Maintz: pr. Erhard Reuwig, 1486.
- Postel, Guillaume, Linguarum duodecim characeribus differentium alphabetum… [The Alphabet of Twelve Languages in Different Characters] Paris: excudebat Petrus Vidovaeus apud D. Lescuier, 1538. -38p.
- Ambrosius, Theseus, Introductio in chaldaicam linguam, syriacam atque Armenicam, et decam alias linguas [Introduction to Chaldean, Syriac and Armenian as well as Ten Other Languages] Pavia: pr. Giovanni Maria Simonetta, 1539.
- Gesner, Conrad Mithridates: De differentiis linguarum, tum veterum, tum quae hodie apud diversas nationes in toto orbe terraru(m) in usu sunt, Zurich: pr. Froschouerus, 1555.
- Thurneisser zum Thurn, Leonharter, K‘aj E’rmhne’ia. Das ist ein Onomasticum undInterpretatio, Berlin: 1574.
- Armenici characteres Gregorii XIII. Pont. opt. max. iussu. nunc primum incisi [Armenian Characters now cut for the first time at the behest of Pope Gregory XIII, Pontifex maximus] Rome: engraver Robert Granjon, 1579. -111p. - Size: 17/11cm.
- Leonharten Thurneisser Zum Thurn: Megalh Xymia Vel Magna Alchymia, Berlin: pr. Nic. Voltzen, 1583.
- Marsilius, Marcus Antonius, Hydragiologia sive de aqua benedicta, Rome: pr. Bartholomeus Bonfadinius, 1586.
- Vigenere, Blaise de, Traicte des Chiffres, ou secretes manieres d’escrire, Paris: pr. Abel L’anglier, 1586.
- Vigenere, Blaise de, Traicte des chiffres, ou secretes manieres d’escrire, (second edition), Paris: pr. Abel L’anglier, 1587.
- Thurneisser zum Thurn, Leonhardt, Magna Alchymia, Cologne; pr. Johann Gymnicum, 1587.
- Pansa, Murio, Della Libraria Vaticana ractonamenii, Rome: pr. Giacomo Ruffinello, 1590.
- Roccha, Angelo, Bibliotheca apostolica vaticana, Rome: Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 1591.
- Lords Prayer. Frankfurt, pr. Ioannis Spiessij, 48p.
- Cayet, Pierre-Victor-Palma, Paradicmate de quatuor linguis orientalibus praecipuis, arabica, armena, syra, aethiopica [Examples of the Four Principal Oriental Languages, Arabic, Armenian, Syriac and Ethiopic] Paris: pr. S. Prevosteau, 1596.
- De Bry, Theodor and Johannes Israel, Alphabeta et characters, iam inde a creato mundo ad nostrausque tempora, apud omnes omnino nationes, Frankfurt. 1596.